NASHVILLE, TN – Last year, 21 workers in Foster Care in the DCS Clarksville office wanted to file a class action lawsuit against the department head, Heather Jeffries, for harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and malfeasance.

Nicole Ramey counted more than three-dozen complaints against Jeffries when she worked in Human Resources for DCS. (See Clarksville Chaos)

The Clarksville Foster Care staff couldn’t find an attorney to take their case. The legal barriers to class action lawsuits in a right to work state like Tennessee is a hill too steep to climb, especially for state workers who want to sue the government.

So M. Haynes went through normal DCS channels to file her complaint. An Iraqi War veteran, she interviewed seven times for supervisor positions in Foster Care in Clarksville. Haynes said three times she was not given veteran’s preference and would have been selected had Jeffries followed the rules.

“I worked for DCS for seven years. I thoroughly enjoyed it up until the last year,” Haynes said.

Rough Trade in Clarksville

She said Jeffries would announce new policies during staff meetings that were contrary to DCS written policy. “DCS required certain tasks to be completed within 90 days. Ms. Jeffries wanted us to do it in 30 days,” Haynes said.

“If you pissed her off you had to come to detention,” she said. The detentions started in May 2020 right in the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown when everyone was supposed to be working from home.

“If you were on her lists, then you had to come in and work in front of her,” Haynes said. Thirty people met in a crowded conference room with their laptops to complete work that was due within 14 days.

“Multiple caseworkers contracted COVID and we still had to come in. You just had to have a mask,” she said.

“It became less about the children and families and it was all about reports and numbers, “ Haynes said.

Haynes filed a complaint in June 2020. “They didn’t do anything,” she said.

Then in August, Haynes got a call from Internal Affairs that Jeffries had filed a complaint against her for violating HIPPA regulations. Tellingly, Jeffries filed her action against Haynes about something that happened four months earlier and one month after Haynes filed her complaint against Jeffries.

“It was pure retaliation for filing my grievance against her for unfair hiring practice,” she said. “I never did what they said I did,” she added.

Haynes had two children who needed temporary foster placement and she wanted to keep them out of state custody, so she told the 76-year-old father to go see her pastor and find out if there was anyone in the congregation who might want to take the two boys, 15 and 16 years old.

“I never revealed their names to my pastor or anything else that violated HIPPA regulations,” Haynes said.

The teenagers were placed in state care and Haynes got two days suspension without pay from Jeffries for trying to find them a safe haven. She went the extra mile but got punished for it. Ironically, the DCS recruits foster parents with requirements, explanations, and links on a “Become a Foster Parent” webpage.

DCS Internal Affairs Director Atif Williams would not discuss the case but since Haynes never got back those two days’ pay, we can assume Jeffries’ complaint was upheld.

Haynes said her pastor backed up her side of the story but it made no difference to Williams. Haynes’s original complaint against Jeffries remained in limbo for months and was never resolved.

The Anatomy of a Cover Up

Summer slipped into Fall. “Williams told me it was still under investigation,” Haynes told the Tribune. But it wasn’t. Williams swept it under the rug and planned to keep it there.

“In December it got to the point that everyday it was something new, something ridiculous. It was petty. They had fired so many people at that point I was walking on eggshells and I felt like I was going to be the next one. It didn’t matter that I was vested. I’ve seen people who worked 14 years and they walked in and fired them and walked them to the door,” she said.

Haynes sent Commissioner Jennifer Nichols a resignation letter December 8, 2020, giving 30 days notice. Nichols forwarded the letter to Williams. Haynes talked to Williams the next day.

“Atif assured me they’d get to the bottom of it,” Haynes said. She filed the paper work to reopen her case on December 15. “Send me your private information and we’ll send you the report and we’ll be in contact,” Williams told her.

Williams waited until January 13, 2021, to reopen the case when Haynes was no longer a DCS employee. That two-week delay insured Jeffries would not be held accountable.

Seven months went by. Haynes asked Williams for a status report last month.

Williams sent her an email on July 13, 2021. He said since she was no longer a DCS employee, she was not allowed access to internal reports nor did she have a right to know what happened to the investigation of her original complaint against Jeffries.

The Tribune has interviewed more than a dozen DCS employees who have filed grievances against their supervisors. When supervisors discipline subordinates, the consequences are swift and often vindictive. When employees file complaints against their supervisors, the investigations are slow and are often never completed.

DCS supervisors can be petty tyrants and get away with it because they know complaints against them will not go anywhere. It’s a perfectly corrupt system that protects the guilty and punishes the innocent.

The Tribune contacted Williams about the Haynes case last week. Haynes received a certified letter signed by DCS Affirmative Action Officer Monica Hardaway. The letter said they received her complaint on January 13, 2021. That is not true. Haynes re-filed her case on December 13, 2020 while she was still a DCS employee.

The letter informed Haynes that her second complaint had been dismissed. She wasn’t surprised. Not only did IA fail to report the findings of her original case but DCS claimed there was not enough evidence to support her allegations in their second investigation.  Of course not. They buried it. The intervention of Commissioner Nichols made absolutely no difference to the outcome.

“There’s been two investigations and it’s been over 12 months at this point and nothing is going to be done,” she said.

“I would rather spend 100 days or more in the war zone in Iraq than go one more day in that office,” Haynes said.



  1. I worked with this devil for years and she was a terror in the Clarksville DCS office. For years she was allowed to threaten, terrorize, retaliate and mistreat workers under the guidance of the Regional Administrator Lisa Brookover. Together the two wrecked Havoc on the Workers in the Clarksville Office. After 15 yrs I walked away and took early retirement due to these two clowns. I worked with Mrs. Haynes and she was a good worker. Ms. Haynes brought numerous programs to the DCS Office through her church. It was sad to see so many great workers disciplined for frivolous reasons because Ms. Jefferies had a problem with them, if the workers complained they were retaliated against, and if you spoke up for them you were retaliated against. Again after 15 years I walked away and did not return, I could not stand to see state workers being treated so badly and no one, absolutely no one looked out for them, You were basically told to keep your mouth shut or else. Luckily for me im a retired vet so could walk away, Many of my coworkers were the bread winners of their homes and had to endure this maltreatment. When i left and tried to return to get my things Ms. Jefferies had another worker to throw my personal belongings in the trash. I had many of my co-workers calling to tell me of her misdeeds. I filed a complaint because i was on annual leave, Internal affairs did me just like Ms. Haynes “Nothing” because i was retiring, I did not get a response! If Ms. Jefferies had a problem with you, your tenure was hell. There were numerous complaints filed and internal affairs turned their head. This job is full of the buddy systems – all about who you know. Many times in meetings if a worker made a complaint, Ms. Jefferies would talk about the complaint in our management meetings. All you have to do is look at the turnover rate. Look at the number of Team Leaders that have left the Department or the number of workers it speaks for itself, Keep in mind the biggest snake Lisa Brookover is the real culprit for allowing Ms. Jefferies actions to continue without recourse. Its about time someone listen to these workers who are truly working in a hostile environment and when they speak up, they receive fake disciplinary actions or even termination. I commend Mr. White for shedding light on this situation. Because of the chaos and the ongoing turnover many of our kids are being neglected even more due to unethical leaders and their selfish practices. Lawmakers need to listen to these workers and clean house!

    • I worked under her in Wilson County, I quit also. A truly horrible human being and supported by upper management. She constantly berated staff and forced workers to take steps that they knew were not proper. She was not alone though, there were many li ke her promoted to terrorize to make ‘numbers’ look good.

    • I guess this is why I can’t save my son. He is under great mental abuse at his fathers and we got dcs involved. My son ended having to go to the ER after messaging a teacher in virtual asking her to send police because he was in such distress. Even though it is his dads week he begged to go with me. Nikki Hentzs supervisor told me my son is basically throwing a tantrum because he can’t get his way and come with me. Told me jt was time I put my foot down and tell him he doesn’t get to choose where he goes and if his father and I can’t come to an agreement my son would be put into foster care while they investigated. She had never once met or spoke to my son. Dcs is an absolute joke.

  2. When state workers file complaints, there needs to be an external source investigating these complaints. because when you have your own agency investigating complaints nothing happens, everything is kept in house and swept under the rug, which allows the culprits to continue their reign of terror. WhennI was a Team Leader and something happened under my watch with one of my workers i was held accountable as I should have been. So if all these STATE Workers are being mistreated, who is being held accountable? When complaints are filed through internal affairs the first thing you have to do is sign a statement stating you will not talk to anyone about what you discussing, which is a bunch of bologna itself. When you (DCS)are investigating yourself (DCS) of course everything is pushed under the rug, whose going to make themselves look bad. These people all know each other and covers for each other. If a complaint is filed with IA, Ms. Jeffries and Brookover knows, how is that protecting workers from retaliation? Its not, its setting them up for failure!

  3. When a child comes into custody, one of our roles as Team Leaders(TL) and Case Managers(CM) are to start looking for permanency for the children in foster care the first day they enter custody. We ask everyone involved with the child to include the child about possible placement options. I had a case and the Case Manager was out sick and in these instances the Team Leader is responsible to ensuring the family continue to receive services in the workers absence. I had a case where , I and another TL that currently works for the Dept located a father. The father was living with his mother at the time. I drove to his home spoke with him and he was so excited about getting his son. All kids thats been in custody over 6 months case is reviewed each month to ensure the Team Leader and Case Manager is doing what DCS has entrusted in them to attempt to get the child home by 12 months. Well this young man was doing everything to get his child, Ms. Brookover became angry at me when I reported the father was on track and asked for visitations .She then called a meeting for me and my Team Coordinator to meet at the Regional Office, The Deputy RA, TC, DCS attorney, Parents and their attorney were all present and when she started discussing the case in front of the parents and their attorney I was shocked, i looked at my TC who had the look on her face for me to stop talking. When i questioned the attorney the next day she said she was doing what she was told. DCS later allowed the case to be moved to Brentwood where the foster parents lived, making it difficult for the father to visit and attend court. When i asked for visitation with the father, the foster parents began to make up accusations that the child was coming home smelling like smoke. The father and his mothers were smokers but was so excited to get the child they ensure they smoked outside. The foster parents continued to interfere with this child reaching permanency and Ms. Brookover allowed it. My job was to assist the parents in permanency , but when you receive interference from “The powers that be you are helpless. Eventually the child was adopted not because the parent was not doing what he needed to do to be reunited with his son because many times things are dictated from higher up, in this case Ms. Brookover who I later learned worked with the parents attorney when she(the attorney) worked for DCS interfered with permanency doing favors for friends. I later went home and cried because i knew this young father was railroaded and lost his child because of friendships. I later saw Mr. Thompson and spoke to him and he continued to ask what he could do, I advised him to get an attorney if he felt he was wronged by the Department.
    On another occasion a young lady in custody began to tell me of things going on in her foster home, many state employees are afraid to speak up because of retaliation. so if the Team Leaders are afraid imagine how the Case Managers feel. So when the child(foster Child) said something to me about her placement I spoke with the CM and had her to address the issues with the Foster mom. I was called on the carpet and admonished because this was an excellent foster parent who was nominated foster parent of the year twice and this little girl had mental health issues. I trusted the child but my hands was tied by higher up. so I asked another TL who was on call the weekend to check on the children in the home and the kids were found home alone after 11 PM. Keep in mind although these are teenagers they had issues again this was brought to my leadership team and ignored. Then the foster parents home was broken into and all the children ran away still nothing from higher up. It was always the excuse that these children had mental health issues! Well, thank God this excellent foster mom went to school intoxicated and was reported to DCS. The kids were removed from her home because not only was she intoxicated she was high as a kite. she admitted to using Crack cocaine for years. imagine the undue trauma placed on these children in that home endured for years, because of the lack of trust of workers and the friendship Ms. Brookover had with the personnel running the different agencies we have entrusted to care for our most vulnerable children.
    Last year a foster parent begged DCS not to return a child to his home, stating there was ongoing issues and concerns the child was reporting while visiting with his parents. The child was returned he was later involved in a high speed chase on I24 in a stolen vehicle and still allowed to remain in the home. days later this child lost his life. Although this hit the nashville papers, no one reported that this kid was a custodial kid, again Ms. Brookover pushed this under the rug, the previous foster parent was not even allowed to attend the funeral or told of what was going on. she found out after seeing it on the news. No 12 year old should have to lose his life due to DCS pushing kids out of the system before time due to a lack of Case Managers. Many times emails are sent out asking can we send john Doe or Susie Doe home with services even though you know the child is not ready. I once went to a meeting and I told Ms. Brookover “whatever you want to do, do it” you are going to do it anyway. I had he opportunity to work with some excellent Case Managers who were pushed out of jobs due to paperwork not being up to standards, although the Brian A lawsuit states seasoned workers could only carry a caseload of 20 cases and be successful some had up to 25 or 28 cases. New Case managers coming in was supposed to have 15 cases many had 22. Team Leaders are all over worked. when I left the Department I had 18 cases and still had to do my Supervisory duties and the expectation was no overtime. Team Leaders does not carry cases but I and all the others had cases. Totally stressed out with work like that mistakes are bound to be made. I decided to call it quits. On my way out the door Ms. Brookover tried to give me a one day suspension over the actions of one of my employees who they disliked. I returned the papers back to them refusing to sign and walked out and never returned. What do you expect from Ms. Jefferies if this is the environment thats being fostered. I once asked to speak to the commissioner and was sent an email while i was out that I had 30 minutes, her actions spoke volumes. If there was an issue and i addressed it with my leaders I would email the old Commissioner, something my supervisors (Jeffries and Brookover)did not like. If prior workers interviewed for jobs and Ms. Jeffries did not like them she did not hire them. During the interview process when someone was coming thru Ms. Jeffries didnt like she would attend and asked all the questions and at times would state who she was going to hire or not hair, which is unfair hiring practices.

  4. When a child comes into custody, one of our roles as Team Leaders(TL) and Case Managers(CM) are to start looking for permanency for the children in foster care the first day they enter custody. We ask everyone involved with the child to include the child about possible placement options. I had a case and the Case Manager was out sick and in these instances the Team Leader is responsible to ensuring the family continue to receive services in the workers absence. I had a case where , I and another TL that currently works for the Dept located a father. The father was living with his mother at the time. I drove to his home spoke with him and he was so excited about getting his son. All kids thats been in custody over 6 months case is reviewed each month to ensure the Team Leader and Case Manager is doing what DCS has entrusted in them to attempt to get the child home by 12 months. Well this young man was doing everything to get his child, Ms. Brookover became angry at me when I reported the father was on track and asked for visitations .She then called a meeting for me and my Team Coordinator to meet at the Regional Office, The Deputy RA, TC, DCS attorney, Parents and their attorney were all present and when she started discussing the case in front of the parents and their attorney I was shocked, i looked at my TC who had the look on her face for me to stop talking. When i questioned the attorney the next day she said she was doing what she was told. DCS later allowed the case to be moved to Brentwood where the foster parents lived, making it difficult for the father to visit and attend court. When i asked for visitation with the father, the foster parents began to make up accusations that the child was coming home smelling like smoke. The father and his mothers were smokers but was so excited to get the child they ensure they smoked outside. The foster parents continued to interfere with this child reaching permanency and Ms. Brookover allowed it. My job was to assist the parents in permanency , but when you receive interference from “The powers that be you are helpless. Eventually the child was adopted not because the parent was not doing what he needed to do to be reunited with his son because many times things are dictated from higher up, in this case Ms. Brookover who I later learned worked with the parents attorney when she(the attorney) worked for DCS interfered with permanency doing favors for friends. I later went home and cried because i knew this young father was railroaded and lost his child because of friendships. I later saw Mr. Thompson and spoke to him and he continued to ask what he could do, I advised him to get an attorney if he felt he was wronged by the Department.
    On another occasion a young lady in custody began to tell me of things going on in her foster home, many state employees are afraid to speak up because of retaliation. so if the Team Leaders are afraid imagine how the Case Managers feel. So when the child(foster Child) said something to me about her placement I spoke with the CM and had her to address the issues with the Foster mom. I was called on the carpet and admonished because this was an excellent foster parent who was nominated foster parent of the year twice and this little girl had mental health issues. I trusted the child but my hands was tied by higher up. so I asked another TL who was on call the weekend to check on the children in the home and the kids were found home alone after 11 PM. Keep in mind although these are teenagers they had issues again this was brought to my leadership team and ignored. Then the foster parents home was broken into and all the children ran away still nothing from higher up. It was always the excuse that these children had mental health issues! Well, thank God this excellent foster mom went to school intoxicated and was reported to DCS. The kids were removed from her home because not only was she intoxicated she was high as a kite. she admitted to using Crack cocaine for years. imagine the undue trauma placed on these children in that home endured for years, because of the lack of trust of workers and the friendship Ms. Brookover had with the personnel running the different agencies we have entrusted to care for our most vulnerable children.
    Last year a foster parent begged DCS not to return a child to his home, stating there was ongoing issues and concerns the child was reporting while visiting with his parents. The child was returned he was later involved in a high speed chase on I24 in a stolen vehicle and still allowed to remain in the home. days later this child lost his life. Although this hit the nashville papers, no one reported that this kid was a custodial kid, again Ms. Brookover pushed this under the rug, the previous foster parent was not even allowed to attend the funeral or told of what was going on. she found out after seeing it on the news. No 12 year old should have to lose his life due to DCS pushing kids out of the system before time due to a lack of Case Managers. Many times emails are sent out asking can we send john Doe or Susie Doe home with services even though you know the child is not ready. I once went to a meeting and I told Ms. Brookover “whatever you want to do, do it” you are going to do it anyway. I had he opportunity to work with some excellent Case Managers who were pushed out of jobs due to paperwork not being up to standards, although the Brian A lawsuit states seasoned workers could only carry a caseload of 20 cases and be successful some had up to 25 or 28 cases. New Case managers coming in was supposed to have 15 cases many had 22. Team Leaders are all over worked. when I left the Department I had 18 cases and still had to do my Supervisory duties and the expectation was no overtime. Team Leaders does not carry cases but I and all the others had cases. Totally stressed out with work like that mistakes are bound to be made. I decided to call it quits. On my way out the door Ms. Brookover tried to give me a one day suspension over the actions of one of my employees who they disliked. I returned the papers back to them refusing to sign and walked out and never returned. What do you expect from Ms. Jefferies if this is the environment thats being fostered. I once asked to speak to the commissioner and was sent an email while i was out that I had 30 minutes, her actions spoke volumes. If there was an issue and i addressed it with my leaders I would email the old Commissioner, something my supervisors (Jeffries and Brookover)did not like. If prior workers interviewed for jobs and Ms. Jeffries did not like them she did not hire them. During the interview process when someone was coming thru Ms. Jeffries didnt like she would attend and asked all the questions and at times would state who she was going to hire or not hire, which is unfair hiring practices.

  5. Love DCS not the Politics on

    Peter White. Thank you for pulling back the curtains on DCS and it’s terrible Leadership. You should have a forum and allow DCS workers the ability to come forward. I’m sure more will come forward.

    As a current DCS Supervisor we would love to pull back the Curtain on DCS Central Office Division. We have plenty of documents showing Policy Violations with Camille Legins and her Hench woman Lashanda Hudson. For years they have single handly broken down DCS relationships with outside providers. This has reduced placement options for DCS kids. Ms. Hudson was a terrible Team Leader in Davidson Region, she was manipulative, a liar and Promoted to a position she was out of her depth in. She now acts as though she has extreme power, acting as if Regional Administrator report to her. Interview the Regional Administrators the list can be found online. Camille was a terrible Regional Administrator, placed in a position because of a personal relationship with her Director Sandra Wilson.

    Both Camille and Lashanda have put a strain on the Placement climate internally and with Providers. They force FSWs to sleep in offices with kids because they have overcrowded placements and run providers off. Your first article is a direct attribute to the poor leadership of Camille and Lashanda.

    Camille has a conflict of interest with Waynes Placement in Waynesboro. Alot of kids go to this placement, work doesn’t get done, SIUs are high and services are minimal. The program has grown over the years, our JJ team has discussed how Camille has a private relationship with the owner Jason Crews and she has helped his program grow. She protects his program, while allowing others to fail. Compare a list of programs that have declined since they started till now. She has been seen around Nashville with him after hours and it’s suspected although married they both are having a sexual relationship together. Makes since to why she ignores the problem at his facilities and allowed him to take over other programs.
    We filed a complaint on this a year ago through the DCS comptroller and it was swept under the rug because Camille is still here at DCS.

    Both Camille and Lashanda leave kids out of state for long periods of time. Causing reunification issues. Then blame FSW, placement teams and Regions for the mistakes Camille and Lashanda make. Especially when they aren’t even apart of the family cases or know what’s going on for Permamenancy.

    Our Foster care programs express in meetings that they don’t want to contract with DCS while Camille and Lashanda are over Central.Office Placement. Not because providers aren’t preforming, it’s because Camille and Lashanda bully them with policy that helps DCS and hurts providers. Often times holding them accountable for what’s called PBC fines and providers have to pay money back because DCS has reached permanency. Camille and Lashanda have forced providers to take kids that are outside the program ability to care for them. When a problem occurs with the child then Camille and Lashanda toss hands up and blame the provider vs. the fact the child shouldn’t have been placed in the first place.

    We have watched Camille and Lashanda nickel and dime providers for money DCS can pay to provide Permanency placements on what’s called a Unique Care Agreement. They love to short providers, decline placements resulting in a youth being in the office. Which is terrible in the midst of a Pandemic. Neither of the have to sit in the office with children, yet they tell us what we have to do. This has resulted in staff leaving DCS frequently.

    Interview staff in the Central Office Building. You will see collective staff that have plenty of Negative Engagement Stories about Camille and Lashanda. They hate having to work for them, with them or around them.

    Camille and Lashanda team suffers because of the failed, abusive and inappropriate supervision. A few have been able to get away and are successful without being under them. Pull a DCS roster of workers that used to be under this team, interview them privately and I’m sure they will provide more information.

    Camille and Lashanda blacklist staff when they speak out about the practices they have. Please be mindful for individuals to come forward a safe space will need to be created and staff need to be protected by Whistle-blower act.

    It’s hard to understand why Sandra Wilson and Jenifer Nichols allows them to operate in this fashion. Especially when Ms. Nichols was hired to.create change within DCS.

  6. Dickson by way of Waverly on

    Traveling on down to Dickson and Waverly. You will find good Ole Gail Tarpy. Gail has weathered the Storm with her Racist, Homophophic and Gender remarks. She has run off experienced African Americans. Go figure the comment above speaks about Camille Legins and she was Gail’s Supervisor. Gail also Supervised Susan Jackson who would use Racial Slurs in meetings and at the office.. Talk about nuts not falling to far from the tree.

    Gail is deep-rooted in the community, go pull cases with her family members and you will see she closed those cases herself versus allowing another Region to work and close the cases. How do you remain transparent with a practice such as this?

    Look at the multiple complaints over the years that have been washed down the drain. Yet Gail still sits high on her horse and African Americans come and go. Pull the employment data over the last 15 years and we are sure you will see the trend.

  7. Good Ole Montgomery County couldn’t have been made into what it is without Marseeia Segovia, Angela Beth Mitchell both fired Regional Administrators and the former Team Coordinator Marion Biggs who retired.

    People ask how did Mid Cumberland get this bad, look at the leadership. The problems in the last 3 articles are the same tactic these 3 individuals taught, instilled, mentored in the offices they served. If you went against any of them then you were cut from the DCS team by way of the Coretta Young with DCS Human Resources.

    It’s important that they sit back and read each other’s names here. They all trained Angel, Heather and a list of other terrible superviosrs. Not to mention Heather was moved from Wilson County because the local Judge found her to be unprofessional, disrespectful and she created a hostile environment. Instead of firing her she was moved to Central Office for a period of time and once her successor Marion Biggs stepped down she filled her seat. Trading a bad supervisor for another.

    Marseeia Segovia and Angela Beth Mitchell were forced into Central Office roles which forced them into retirements from the State. The State is notorious for putting you in another position that Inconveniences you to the point you want to quit….we saw that example in another article with Autumn Moultry.

    Marseeia Segovia and Angela Beth Mitchell were terrorist at best in the office. Because they both hated each other, lower level workers and mid level managers had to pick aside. If you didn’t the other RA would target you, it made meetings with the two unbearable, policy often times wasn’t clear and they both made the environment hostile.

    Marion Biggs, if you weren’t on her team then you were against her. If you worshipped the ring, then you had a seat at her table and she promoted you. Many workers that were qualified were unchossen. She didn’t care about your work ethic, experience, military status….she just needed yes people.

  8. Devastated Mother on

    Because DCS didn’t report that my child was suicidal I lost him August 10, 2021. The case worker was informed of two separate incident’s and she still chose to walk away and do nothing. My life is shattered and DCS claims to be about the children, not at all the truth.

  9. No Longer SILENT!!! on

    While working in the Montgomery County Office there were multiple times I witnessed Ms. Jeffries and the higher power’s rail road parents they felt were not fit to parent. Despite numerous professionals defending the parents and their ability to parent. There was a young mother with twin boys last year and mom was a simple person. Mom was not intellectually impaired or disabled and three psychologist confirmed it. Well, Ms. Jeffries did not feel she was capable of parenting the boys and instructed staff to move toward termination. Mom was arrested for child abuse despite medical doctors and psychologist stating the allegations were not abusive. Truth is what DCS staff say or present in court is all that matters, even if it is all lies and hog shit. I have witnessed more times then not case managers committing perjury at the directive of superiors. A real poll is how many innocent families have been destroyed because Ms. Jeffries believes she has all the power and flexes it against families who cannot afford real representation to fight her.

    • Amber Richardson on

      This happened to me. I was arrested in Stewart county for a VOP when I wasn’t on probation. I spent 43 days in jail before I got to go in front of a judge and had to bond out. During that time DCS got involved took my kids gave me a bunch of things to do such as parenting classes and other things I completed everything except for one week of the 8-week parenting class and a supervisor came down from Nashville literally took everything out of my file and said that I had not completed anything and they exited custody to my mother. I haven’t been able to see my kids and almost 3 years. That is a very very short version of a super long story.

  10. Veterans preference doesn’t automatically give you a job it gets you an interview..that’s it. As far as the children needing placement, ‘Ms Haynes’ was a foster care worker and the two children needing placement were NOT her clients at the time but a CPS workers. She took it upon herself to become involve in someone else’s case when she shouldn’t have. She also posted for placement online. Violation of hippa.

    In regards to everything else, Heather Jeffries is awful and vindictive. I didn’t even work with her directly but she was very ‘mean girl’ acting. Snickering and pointing at workers with Angel Miller. I can see why her husband divorced her.

    Mr. White I’ve read your articles. You’ve thrown peoples names and information in there without even speaking to said person. Your writing is awful and if you need someone to proof read I’ll be more than happy.

    While I’m glad the ‘truth’ is being exposed, it needs to be done more accurately and with tact.

    • Melanie: I did not post online looking for placement. The church did on thier own. I never violated Hippa never gave identifying information. Church staff verified that during the investigation. Please if you comment have the truth.

      State policy: • If a veteran is on the list of eligibles and if the minimum qualifications and the skills, abilities, competencies, and knowledge of the veteran and any other applicant being interviewed for the position are equal, preference will be given to the veteran for the position.

  11. Just like anything else involving DCS. Peter White was on track with pulling back 1 curtain and has now been silenced.

    This again is why change is so darn difficult at DCS. We “employees” have to suffer. We will move forward with removing Camille Legins, Lashanda Hudson in a different platform. They are a Cancer in DCS and we are tired of them both. If Sandra Wilson want do it, let’s see if the Governor will.

  12. Observation from the inside n out on

    Dcs in Clarksville has been corrupt for years. I have seen it from many perspectives and will say; Brian A team needs to return. Children and parents are supposed to be at the forefront n they are not. All cases for the past five years need to be reviewed if not the last ten to 15 or 20 years. Sadly families and kids have been affected.

    Workers and employees have been treated like crap for years. No one deserves to be mistreated. Team leaders and regional administrators are not god. They are there to encourage direct and redirect. Social work is a hard job they need support and encouragement.

    I hope the focus changes things but I doubt it will. Our kids families and employees deserve more.

  13. This woman and the entire department umbrella at cps have conjured up a false allegation case on myself and my partner due to fractures found in our daughter after undergoing negligence at birth on Fort Campbell military base. After seeing a handful of medical professionals, doctors, and specialist, the department refuses to except any of the fax of what the doctors are actually saying and they continue to wreak havoc on our lives. The attorneys at the courthouse are all in cahoots with the department so by now we’ve had at least 6 to 8 attorneys come and go on our case. They put a gag order out that prohibits us from talking about our case, however, I am active duty in the military and if Uncle Sam has questions I have to give answers. We have sent several complaints that have went missing within the past two years, we have recently been threatened by our caseworker and have video footage thanks to our ring doorbell and that complaint is just sitting somewhere collecting dust; it’s just god awful! The more we fight back for our justice and freedom the more the department gets furious and comes out the woodwork‘s with ridiculous court orders we have to follow. Currently father has been kicked out of our home and they are only giving him two hours of visitation per week; they refused to up his visitation or let him back in the home. Our court date that was set in September has now been moved to May and that will make over two years that we have been fighting this case. We have records of telephone calls, and emails that go on answered for weeks. We’ve even been substantiated by The department although the case is still open. We filed an appeal for the substantiations based on the fact that the case is still ongoing so how could they substantiate and we were told that we couldn’t appeal until the case was over… extremely contradicting! At the start of this disaster the caseworker that was assigned to us forge documents and made up a story to fit the African-American stereotype, “black parents are abusive to their children due to domestic violence”, which is by far the false statement if I’ve ever heard one. We brought the faultiness and false allegations made by this woman to light, to the department and the attorneys that were on our case during the time mysteriously, that case worker went missing and we never saw her again. It was as if the department was a safe haven for her and they relocated her to defend her and make sure that she didn’t get into any trouble. Our daughters first guardian at Leitem who is guilty of racism and bias acts; we filed a huge complaint that went up to the state and the end result of that complaint was completely nothing. The system is corrupt and it is slavery at its finest; disrupting families who proudly take care and support their children while the children who are actually in danger and in need of help never get noticed. My family and I will continue to fight because we will come out on top and expose the department for everything that they have been and want to continue to be. This is no way a system in the United States of America should be. looking to speak with Peter White about my story if possible!

  14. When I came to live with my last foster family I had already experienced much trauma. I endured more trauma because my family decided to keep secrets and pretend that my anger had nothing to do with the traumas I experienced with my birth family, DCS, or them and blamed it on a misdiagnosis my birthmother had.

    on Thanksgiving I was told that the my adoptive cousin who sexually abused me when I was a foster child is trying to become a licensed foster parent.

    DCS would rather put children in harms way and we’ve got to stop this madness now! Yesterday they said they do thorough investigations and if he had a charge they wouldn’t allow him to become a foster parent. Well of course he doesn’t have any charges because my family decided to protect him instead of me.

    I’ve kept this secret for 27 years and it’s only been in the last few years that I confirmed this with my adoptive parents, told a well-known pastor who is our cousin in Crossville at Cumberland Fellowship.

    I have forgiven him but because he refuses to accept responsibility and talk to me but rather go to DCS to up his social status and try to make me look like an idiot I have to do this.

    After speaking to my Aunt and speaking out my adoptive parents continued their abuse- tear me down, tell me the one who has almost died more than once due to my traumas to keep my mouth shut when that’s what hurt me in the first place and so on.

    My parents were manipulated by DCS to adopt me by saying I’d be put in an orphanage if they didn’t but there was a nurse who asked DCS and they said no.

    I’ve asked the DCS Complaint Department to sit down with me and go over the multiple issues I’ve witnessed as well as handle my complaint and was denied.

    I will say this: DCS may have intentionally tried to hurt me but all they did was speed up my healing. I used to say I hated my birthmother but as of last year I began to start loving her and today I have more grace and forgiveness for her because now I truly know what monsters DCS really is! Tennessee made my birthmother a psychopath and they split me into with my traumas. They’ve got one of my brother in prison and has basically been in a cage in some form his entire life. My birthmother went through foster care as a teen. Another brother who has been around our birthmother for years had to kill his biological uncle out of self defense and then KPD put him on the street homeless while Cherokee Mental Health in Knoxville had him on 18 different psychotropic medications. Last year he was on a ventilator due to extremely dangerous and high doses of a particular med.

    I’m fed up with Tennessee’s bullshit. Both of my families and I have been to hell and back and no one deserves this.

  15. Child Abuse Hotline on

    You should do an investigation into the Director of the Child Abuse Hotline. She’s bullied several AFRICAN AMERICAN employees and she needs to be exposed.

  16. Alicia Bryant on

    My sons fathers attorney (former Dcs employee) and Dcs’s attorney in Putnam county are best friends and regardless of me following and completing my plan, passing all drug screens and doing anything else asked of me by Dcs. A hair follicle test managed to come back positive for a drug I didn’t even do before I got clean. I had been clean for 4 months when my hair follicle was preformed and it was cut far from my scalp and my children removed and my son was placed with his biological father who had not seen him in over a year, did not have a relationship with him and had not helped support or care for my son. He had been asking for visitation but him and his attorney had turned down supervised visits and then filed for full custody, a week later my hair follicle came back and I was not only shocked by the results but knew something wasn’t right so I went and paid for my own hair follicle the day after receiving Dcs’s results. Despite knowing I paid for my own test and was not admitting to use or relapse, my children were removed oct 22nd 2021. (The day after my hair follicle test that I paid for was administered) mind you I was still passing all urine screens at this time. Court was set for Monday October 25th and continued to mid Nov since I hadn’t got my haircut follicle results back yet. My results came in Tuesday October 26th and it showed negative for every substance as the first hair follicle administered by the on-site company that Dcs uses should have also showed. I was so happy that I had proof to fight the removal of my children with and my case should be closed since the hair follicle was the last step to closing my case.
    Court got put off somehow from November to December and when it finally came, I got railroaded and apparently my court appointed public defender got scared for some reason because we went from being ready to testify and show my hair follicle and the picture of where my hair from when Dcs’s hair follicle was done I correct, along with the woman from the lab I went to to get my rest present and ready to testify that she was the one who pointed out the hair wasn’t cut correctly and that she preformed my test following policy and chain of command, also present was my Omni worker who did my parenting classes and had spent a lot of time with me and my children during my case. Out of nowhere my attorney, Dcs’ attorney, and my sons fathers attorney went to a room to speak privately and then came back and my attorney was visibly upset and telling me that she was sorry and that I needed to agree to some unsupervised visitation and move on. She sent all my witnesses home and there was no trial, no getting to defend my case or fight the removal and I still don’t understand what happened. My children were wrongfully removed and there isn’t anything I can do about it, except as my case worker says “work my plan” which I have from the beginning and it’s gotten me where I am now. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy nut but it’s hard not to feel like someone somewhere is rubbing elbows to get what they want. Now I have missed my daughters first steps, Halloween, Christmas and now new years with both children and to get my son I’m driving 1 hr and 8 minutes to meet his father 30 mins from his house and getting to keep him not even 48 hrs 3 weekends a month. They say trial home visits will start in February if all goes well but then my sons father is going to fight for custody and say my son should remain with him and since the removal wasn’t proven to be unnecessary I’m afraid he may win custody because that looks like I lost my children because of something wrong that I did when that isn’t the case. If anyone has any idea on what I can do to help this situation other then to “work my plan” which is now complete and I’m just stuck waiting this out, please contact my at
    Any advice from old or current caseworkers or people who know the system would be extremely greatful.

  17. Dcs falsified drug screen results proceeded with court and ruled on it knowing I have jo counsel he had step down broke hippa and refused to represent me dcs caught lying numerous times under oath and judge ignored it falsified results of mental eval and a d assessment took my calls and visits removed my son with ko reason took false warrant on me to have me locked up for 2 half hours so they could remove him placed him in state custody 9 days before I seen any judge or had any drug screen day before they had law lock me up take my son they stood in my home said said looked to be spoiled violated my sons and my own rights cause irreparable mental harm to him and myself didn’t follow due process either blued me in open court no lawyer to represent me knowing they’re post to appoint me a new one but threatened me with my visits to take hair folical.kncourt after me telling them I had temp dye and products on it from Halloween then had a court session while I was sick and couldn’t attend and had jo attorney stated things like I was deliberately ignoring and not showing for court because of a warrant for fta the attorney at litem stated she won’t show any way she dint care she don’t want locked up for the failure to appear warrant slandering me and all together derogatorising my name they have said thing to my child like that he has had bruising on his neck and his right fingers had broken since in care I ask him he started shaking begging me not say nothing he didn’t want sent to boys home I reported my worries with dcs hot line and case workers nothing was done after that the mis treatment got worse its been a year I can find an attorney who will help me I don’t have alot cash and I dint have the right last name they are gonna try taking my parental rights on the 11 April 2022 Ithey had jo reason take him I’m not a bad mother someone plz help me plz

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