Lynne Williams, 70, is a 31-year cancer survivor. After having a left breast mastectomy, she discovered her tumor was the size of a period on a page so it could not be felt with a self-exam or even seen on a mammogram. She had a discharge from her nipple and went to see what and why it was.

The diagnosis was cancer and so she began chemotherapy through clinical participation.

“I had hair before chemo, and then I was completely bald for six months,” she said. “My oncologist even wanted me to have an abortion when I became pregnant one year after my chemo and wanted me to wait for five years, but I chose to give birth.”

Williams spoke of her pregnancy experience. “I was 41 years old at that time. It was a healthy baby girl. I breastfeed her with only one breast, and I did not have to use any supplements.”

Now, at 70 years old, she smiles broadly with her beautiful head of hair. Her daughter is 30 years old and has four beautiful daughters of her own. Williams is a warrior, and her battle has led to her purpose.

She attributes her successful journey to her faith in God and she said letting Him lead her was important during those difficult days. Williams has spent the last 30 years fighting to let women know there is life after breast cancer speaking at different events and sharing her story.

An excellent craftswoman, she creates handmade Afghans as gifts to those going through their own cancer journey. She said her guiding mantra is: “You are not alone. You are still a woman. You can still breastfeed. Your babies will be healthy. You are not damaged goods.”

She also reminds women not to go it alone.

“Tell somebody; a family member, a friend,” Williams said. “Don’t wait.”

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