CHICAGO, IL — Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. International President Dr. Glenda Glover issued the following statement on Senator Kamala Harris’ historic night at the Democratic National Convention, highlighting the date is synonymous with the start of AKA, the oldest Greek-letter organization established by African-American college-educated women.
“Last night on the 19th day of the eighth month, Senator Kamala Harris made “herstory” when she accepted the nomination as the Vice Presidential Candidate for a major political party. Americans, including little Black and Brown girls, watched with amazement, pride and a renewed sense of hope. We congratulate Senator Harris and wish her the best on this historic journey.
This is, indeed, a proud moment for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and the Divine 9. It is a proud moment for women all over this nation and particularly for Black women. It is a proud moment for any citizen of this country who believes in the possibilities that America represents regardless of race, color or creed, sex, nationality or political party.
While Alpha Kappa Alpha does not endorse political candidates, we cannot overlook or understate the significance of this historical moment for our sisterhood and for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Indeed, this moment is long overdue.
Alpha Kappa Alpha is poised to continue our important work of voter engagement and mobilization during this election season. We remain committed to ensuring that individuals vote. Our 300,000 members comprising more than 1,025 chapters around the world understand that voting is a serious matter, and we are answering the clarion call at this inflection point to serve mankind through our election efforts.”