Mikea Braden delivered the first speaker’s address, followed by Alexander Cowan. Mikea talked about leadership and summed it up by saying, “Don’t mess with ABC.”
Alexander told a personal story of how much the graduation meant to him. Both his father and grandfather attended American Baptist College. “I continue this historic legacy,” he proudly stated.
A stirring message was delivered by Rev. Dr. Christopher Davis, as the keynote speaker. He shared with the students how important it is to do what is right and righteous. He was direct in encouraging students to do their best and remember their alma mater, American Baptist College. Further, he gifted the College with a $5,000 contribution.
The ceremonial graduation program took place at the historic Jefferson Street Baptist Church. Pastor Aaron Marble delivered the Baccalaureate address the previous evening.
American Baptist College had suspended the Baccalaureate service from 2020-2021 because of COVID-19. Students were elated for this service to return to make the overall graduation activities complete.