NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Two ATHENA recipients took their experiences of the Parthenon in Nashville to the Parthenon to Athens, Greece. Dr. Phyllis Qualls and Dr. Katherine Y. Brown took their Nashville ATHENA experience to Athens, Greece. Qualls was the ATHENA recipient in 2016 and Brown received both the Young Professional award in 2015 and the traditional ATHENA award in 2021.

The two recipients can now delight in having experienced the Parthenon in two countries, when they visited the site in December 2024. Qualls was actually announced as the recipient at the Nashville Parthenon. Brown said, “When the nominees walked in the room, I knew Dr. Phyllis would be named the recipient. She just glowed with grace and reflected the epitome of ATHENA.”

She was right. Because of the work Dr. Brown has done with CPR and the Dr. Katherine Y. Brown Leadership Academy, she went beyond the guidelines for the Young Professional Award and had a record of a true servant.

“In that she was a YP recipient, I knew she would receive the traditional award, and she did,” said Qualls. When the trip was discussed between the two ATHENA recipients, Qualls response was, “We must go to the Parthenon.” Candace Rhodman, who also made the trip was a part of NAWBO, when the organization established the ATHENA program said, “This was an unforgettable experience and true living history.” Yvonne Wood, a 2005 ATHENA recipient praised the two ladies for the experience. “What a wonderful journey you had. I am so happy you were able to see the original Parthenon. NAWBO was the first organization in Nashville to have the ATHENA Award program and passed it on to CABLE to continue it in Nashville. Thank you for sharing your incredible experience.”


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