I received a kidney transplant in February of 2018. Because of this life-saving gift, I have been able to enjoy a second chance at really living and thriving. Additionally, I’ve been able to restart and grow my career, earn an advanced degree, and be more active in my wife and son’s life. Basically, I’ve been able to go after all of the hopes and dreams I had prior to the medical condition that resulted in my transplant. My life has been drastically and forever changed, and I’m wholeheartedly grateful for the blessing I’ve received.
After my transplant, I wanted to give back, so I became an ambassador for the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS).
 UNOS, the non-profit that serves as the nation’s transplant system, works with patients, surgeons, hospitals and transplant professionals to increase equity in organ transplantation. One way to increase equity is to empower communities of color to become organ donors.
 And we need your help!
 Join us in saving lives together during the month of August, National Minority Donor Awareness Month, by registering to become an organ donor at registerme.org.
Marcus Simon

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