NASHVILLE, TN — In communities across the country, Bank of America has been working with local partners to provide resources to vulnerable and underserved communities hardest hit by the coronavirus. In Nashville, which has experienced a significant number of coronavirus cases, Bank of America is partnering with the Community Resource Center, Youth Encouragement Services, and Room in the Inn to provide personal protective equipment, specifically 80,000 masks. 

This donation is part of a nationwide effort by Bank of America to immediately distribute nearly four million PPE masks to communities disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus, including communities of color, and is connected to its $1 billion, four-year commitment of additional support to help local communities address economic and racial inequality accelerated by a global pandemic. This is in addition to the four million masks the company donated earlier this year in cities across the country. 

“The health and safety of our employees, clients and communities remain our top priority during this health and humanitarian crisis,” said Tyson Moore, Bank of America Nashville Market President. “In Nashville, we have seen our immigrant communities and communities of color disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus. One of the ways we can help is to work with our nonprofit partners to distribute masks to the most vulnerable populations to stop the spread.”

Below is more information about how the 80,000 masks will be distributed in Nashville.

50,000 masks will be distributed by the Community Resource Center to Metro Nashville Public School teachers and nearly 300 nonprofits on the frontlines of serving Middle Tennessee communities in need – including low-income, at-risk communities of color.

20,000 masks are heading to Youth Encouragement Services, which is continuing to serve youth whose parents are not able to work from home. The masks will protect the staff and young people (grades K-12) who attend the educational and recreational programs each day.

10,000 masks will be used by Room in the Inn to ensure the safety of the staff and hundreds of people in the homeless community who take advantage of the wraparound services RITI offers.


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