NASHVILLE– As Belmont University hosts a historic presidential election, the Be Better Belmont group will hold a demonstration to raise national awareness about what they see as  Belmont’s role in perpetuating systemic racism and its relationship with for-profit prison CoreCivic CEO Damon Hininger.

According to the group,  Hininger has donated large sums to the Trump campaign and also sits on the Board of Belmont University.

The group says despite student, alumni, and community requests for the University to cut ties with CoreCivic and condemn President Trump’s remarks on white supremacy during the September 29th debate, Belmont University administration remains silent and unmoved.

In a statement released to media, Be Better Belmont said as a result of Belmont’s continued silence and inaction, Be Better Belmont, the student/alumni coalition calling for Belmont’s divestment from CoreCivic, will host a demonstration on October 22nd with support of Nashville Indivisible in order to raise awareness about Belmont’s complicity with systemic racism — both in Belmont’s silence on Trump’s white supremacy and in their refusal to divest from CoreCivic.

The Presidential Debate Demonstration will be Thursday, October 22nd from 4:30- 6:00 PM at the intersection of Wedgewood & Magnolia.


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