ATLANTA, GA — The Black Futures Lab announced recently the Black Census Project, the largest survey of Black people ever conducted in the United States, has reached 200,000 respondents across all 50 states as of October 31.

“As we conclude the Black Census Project, I am thrilled to have reached this historic milestone,” said Alicia Garza, Founder and Principal of Black Futures Lab, who began designing the Black Census Project after the 2016 election. “Every day, policy is being made about us, without us. We launched the Black Census to change that and build Black political power. I am grateful for the more than 200,000 Black people who made their voices heard through this survey. We will use the data gathered to inform and release a Black Economic Agenda in February 2024 that will serve as a roadmap for policymakers and politicians on how to best address the needs of Black communities.”

The Black Census Project engaged communities that are typically under-represented in traditional surveys and policy-making. Beginning in 2022, the Black Census Project collected findings of Black attitudes and opinions across demographics and geography, including LGB+ communities, trans communities, incarcerated Black people, Black immigrant communities, and Black people in rural areas. Black Futures Lab collaborated with more than 50 Black-led grassroots organizations, over a dozen national media partners, and Black influencers to reach more than 200,000 Black people.

“I applaud Black Futures Lab on the successful conclusion of this historic project,” said Angela Rye, CEO and Principal of IMPACT Strategies. “In order to be powerful in politics, Black people must curate, shape, and push our own political agenda—a Black agenda–and the Black Census Project equips us to do that. And we made history; more than 200,000 Black people are saying we deserve to be heard and counted on a survey developed for our interests and by our people.”

With the conclusion of data collection, Black Futures Lab will now use the survey to design and release the Black Economic Agenda 2024 in February. The Black Economic Agenda 2024 is a policy roadmap that will inform legislators nationwide of the key priorities of Black communities across America. It also will be used to activate and engage Black voters in advance of elections, encouraging Black communities to stay engaged and wield political power to inform, influence, and impact all institutions and decision-makers who are or should be engaging Black people. More than two thirds of survey respondents were registered to vote and said they were absolutely certain to vote in 2024. The top issues that Black Census respondents highlighted were low wages that are not enough to sustain a family, gun violence, schools that fail to prepare children adequately, issues with police, and lack of affordable housing.


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