By Staff Reports

NASHVILLE, TN — This 2020 Presidential Race revealed the true power Black Women have.  Now, people are realizing how strong and powerful Black women really are. First it was in South Carolina, during the primaries, when Congressman Clyburn reached out to Black Women to support Former Vice President Joe Biden.  They did and Biden came out on top in South Carolina.  He continued to do well  and ended up the Democratic nominee, in larger part, because of Black Women.

Reports show that in the last six presidential races, Black Women have voted for the democratic candidate more than 90 percent of the time. This shows more than service and voting during an election, this shows leadership. And Black Women are  demanding to be recognized and respected for their worth…a seat at the table.

This historic election has significant revelations.

It has the largest number of voters in the history of presidential elections, President Elect Joe Biden, who will be the 46th President, and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris, who will be the 49th Vice President, received nearly 8 million votes.  This is an unpresented number, however it speaks volumes for the supporters of the Biden-Harris ticket, and Black women are the real champions in this election,

Stacey Abrams, led the charge in Atlanta and in a two year period, she and her group of organizers registered nearly a million individuals.  After the gubernatorial election was stolen from her in Georgia last year, she set out on a course to register individuals to vote, so that this would not happen to anyone else. In other words, “the Sister got mad.”  

Her gubernatorial opponent, who was then Secretary of State, purged nearly 1.4 million voters, the majority of which were Democratic and plurality of which were people of color from the rolls in Georgia in 2018.  That is how the Republicans stole the Governor’s race  from Stacey Abrams.

All reports reveal that Democrats would not be leading in Georgia if it weren’t for the pioneering work of Stacey Abrams.  She organized people and groups and registered them.

She showed  what sheer determination could do and that the rhetoric did not deter people from the cause.  The fight  for voting rights now is just as real as it was I the 60’s with men like Congressman John Lewis, The Rev. C.T. Vivian, and others who were fiercely physically beaten, leading  the charge. Now more women are out front, taking lessons from those times and continuing  to fight for our rights, stand up for our causes and demand to be respected.


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