By Vivian Shipe

KNOXVILLE, TN — Children of God Church of God in Christ, a long time member of the Faith Leaders Church Initiative, recognized members of the community who had been helping in the fight against COVID including the co founder of the organization, Cynthia Finch during their annual Mission Day.

Finch was also the featured speaker during the event which drew dignitaries and community leaders. The church presented Finch , essential worker nurse Samara Ramsey, and youth leader Kaden Shipe with the James Allen Legacy of Hope Award.

After giving the history of the Faith Leaders Church Initiative , which has met for 125 Thursdays since May of 2020 and still  continues to meet weekly,  Finch shared that because of their efforts over 80,000 have been vaccinated including children ages 5 and up. She then shared contact information with the church on ordering free COVID tests and masks for the members and suggested all churches everywhere set up tablets and order the free supplies for their members who have no access to the Internet or computers.

Pastor Hamilton, Senior pastor has been able to keep his church doors open by adhering to the guidelines set forth by the CDC, strictly  limiting service to one hour, requiring masks,  and setting up the sanctuary to social distance.


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