(NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK)  –This Black History Month The Dean Law Firm, PLLC and Marye Dean, Esq. (TheWallStreetLawyer.com) are glad to announce their strategic partnership with Dr. Boyce Watkins and The Black Business School, one of the most dedicated and outstanding black community activist and black schools in the nation. With similar corporate and community goals, Dr. Boyce Watkins and The Wall Street Lawyer will strive to work towards valuable ideas and provide innovative solutions for black businesses through up-coming cognitive collaboration offerings.

Cognitive Collaboration is the practice of applying specific behavioural guidelines to an environment, creating an atmosphere that promotes better collaboration by giving people the support and guidance they need to succeed. It’s about ensuring that entrepreneurs who like to learn at their own pace have what they need to succeed solo and ensuring that those who need to access information quickly are provided one on one support. No mater what, this duo is dedicated to rebuilding Black Wall Street by doing whatever it takes to make sure black businesses succeed. No black entrepreneur will be left behind.

Cognitive collaboration in business focuses on finding the strengths of entrepreneurs and looking for ways to harness and improve them while eliminating roadblocks on the path to success.Not only does cognitive collaboration lead to better experiences in day-to-day business operations, it also improves the level of customer care that a business can provide. When black entrepreneurs feel supported in business, they can then collaborate more organically, which will support them to make faster, more intelligent decisions that will allow them to better serve their customers.

The American approach to racial integration was a complete disaster. America got it wrong, and it’s had disastrous effects on African Americans. Our cities are facing another integration challenge today, and we’re in danger of repeating the same mistakes, a problem Dr. Boyce Watkins and Marye Dean, Esq. are attacking head on by putting “Black Businesses First”, a concept drilled home with Dr. Watkins and his B1 philosphy.
Let me present a few provocative counter scenarios to elaborate.

What if, in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, segregated white schools were required to admit not only Black students, but Black faculty and administrators as well? When segregated white schools finally addressed integration, they did so by dispersing Black students among several white schools, and generally shutting down the Black schools they came from. Black teachers and principals were often left completely out of the integration process, and black students lost a critical support group during a difficult period.

What if, instead of outlawing housing discrimination by race, religion, national origin, and all other protected classes, the federal government outlawed specific practices (exclusionary zoning, redlining, discriminatory public housing and urban renewal, discriminatory real estate practices like steering or contract buying, among others) and at the same time required all local jurisdictions to provide housing for all persons at all income levels? Mid-century American suburbs would likely have seen an increase in working-class and low-income housing, becoming far more diverse far earlier than it has. Cities would have seen an up tick in high-end construction far earlier as well. On the whole, there would have been greater balance in urban and suburban property values, then and now.

In reality, however, America did something quite different. The Little Rock NAACP was forced to find the Little Rock Nine to push Little Rock Central High School toward integration. The number of African-American teachers in the South, to this day, has never recovered from its heights during the Jim Crow Era, and individual homebuyers or renters were sent into sometimes hostile neighborhoods in the name of integration.

In reality, the burden of integration was always on black people.

This Black History Month Dr. Boyce Watkins and Marye Dean, Esq. are putting black entrepreneurs first and leading by example with their collaborative venture to repair the damage to the black community caused by integration with the use of cognitive collaboration.

“My life’s mission is to help fight for economic equality. I fulfill my mission through The Dean Law Firm, PLLC by Building Big Business One Client at a Time and my new venture: BlackWallStreet.com.” said Miss Dean. “I firmly believe economic equality is the final frontier of social justice. I champion entrepreneurship because it drives everything; job creation, poverty alleviation, and community innovation. I am inviting all black entrepreneurs working for a better future tomorrow to join us for our first black online event today.”

Event Details:

February 17, 2022 8P EST Webinar: Do you have holes in the foundation of your black-owned business?

Those interested in attending should register their organizations online with the Black Wealth Bootcamp.
Ms. Dean, Esq. helps her clients grow their businesses sooner and operate them easier through her business building resources designed to keep their companies in the black. For more information on Black Wall Street™ please visit: BlackWallStreet.com.

To learn more about The Dean Law Firm, PLLC, please visit: www.TheWallStreetLawyer.com


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