We have made great progress in making healthcare a right and not a privilege in this nation.  One year after the passage of Health Reform Patient’s Bill of Rights, more Americans are covered by health insurance, people are receiving better care and better value and Medicare is helping Seniors pay for their prescription drugs. Thanks to these provisions:

Nearly one million young adults now obtain coverage on their parents’ insurance plans,

Insurance companies can no longer drop someone’s coverage when they get sick,

Kids cannot be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition,

Insurers can no longer put lifetime or annual limits on coverage, 

Seniors are paying less for prescription drugs when they fall into the Medicare prescription drug donut hole.

The Affordable Care Act is working.  I will continue to fight against Republican efforts to repeal the law. Along with my fellow Democrats, I’ll fight to ensure the law is protected and fully implemented.

I am also fighting to ensure that Medicare and Medicaid remain strong for our seniors, disabled and poor brothers and sisters. We face significant challenges in the weeks and months ahead, but we cannot break that commitment of healthcare for the most vulnerable among us and I will not allow our budget to be balanced on the backs of people who can least afford it.  I am working with my colleagues to ensure that these programs are stronger and more efficient and to strengthen TRICARE for our brave men and women in uniform.  I am committed to ensuring that physicians who serve Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE patients are reimbursed fairly. 

 Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) submitted the following floor statement in support of H.R..2, The moving forward act, that passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 233 to 188 on July 1, 2020.

Rep. Lewis on COVID-19’s Disproportionate Impact on Communities of Color – May 27, 2020: 

 The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a final rule rolling back Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.  This section, also known as the Health Care Rights Law, protects women, LGBTQ+ people, those with limited English proficiency, and individuals with disabilities from discrimination in health care and insurance coverage.  Upon reviewing the rule, Congressman Lewis made the following statement about –   May 1, 2020  

COVID-19 Outbreak in South Fulton – April 25, 2020:  

Coronavirus: Stress, Burnout, and Mental Health -April 2, 2020  

 Coronavirus: Health Care  – March 30, 2020   

Coronavirus: Nursing Homes – March 25, 2020  

In recognition of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Representative John Lewis (GA) introduced H.R. 5806, the HIV Epidemic Loan-Repayment Program (HELP) Act.  This legislation would support existing health care professionals and encourage those who aspire to support those living with HIV/AIDS.  February 7, 2020.


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