By Staff Reports
NASHVILLE, TN — “We want to have a conversation and develop strategies to positive impact Criminal Justice Reform.” Those were the words of Pastor Howard Jones at a rally to give voice to the cause of criminal justice reform.
The rally, held Sunday, July 11, 2021 at 2:33 p.m. CDT, at the Justice A.A. Birch Building, in downtown Nashville, brought together community supporters, members of Pounding4Change and relatives of those whose loved ones were victims of long-term sentencing because they had limited financial means, not because of the crime.
This movement, has been active for quite some time, however the Andrew Delke case, a white policeman, has brought to the forefront, this policeman’s light sentence, even after pleading guilty. 
Pastor Jones and others believe the time is now, to fiercely fight for the lives of our young men and others before being killed by those sworn to serve and protect. “The Movement can transform the criminal justice system and promote public safety in Nashville and Davidson County,” said Pastor Jones.
Because of the reckless behavior of police officers with limited training in cultural competence and cultural awareness, Davidson County residents, Jacques Clemmons and Daniel Hambrick are dead, both African American males.  
The Together Movement, founded by Pastor Jones, along with the Pounding4 Change Foundation  are launching an unprecedented campaign to end discriminatory policing practices and develop criminal justice reform in Nashville and Davidson County.  “We want to represent people from all walks of life to amplify their voices, for equity and equality,” said Pastor Jones.  
The next steps include holding meetings throughout Davidson County to hear the voices of the people and put an action plan in force.
For more information, contact Pastor Howard Jones at or


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