By Jacob Pickering

Matt Gaetz, the reactionary Republican Representative from the western portion of Florida’s panhandle region is the subject of an ongoing federal criminal investigation by the U.S. Justice Department on a bipartisan basis (under both the Biden Administration and Gaetz’s conservative cult leader Donald Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr’s troubled tenure) for sex trafficking charges involving a minor child, according to the New York Times’ bombshell report of March 30, 2021.

      As reported in the December 29, 2017 edition of Orlando Weekly, “…On Dec. 19, Gaetz cast the lone ‘no’ vote on a widely bipartisan human trafficking bill that passed unanimously through the U.S. Senate in September before sailing through the House by a count of 418 to 1.  The legislation – the Combatting Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act – is an attempt to give the federal government more resources to combat the sex trade in the U.S…”.

    Now why do you think the alleged statutory rapist Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was the ONLY member of the U.S. Congress to vote AGAINST holding human traffickers accountable for their criminal sexual exploitation of women and children?  You know why!  Because Rapepublican Matt Gaetz is without a doubt guilty of the exact same criminal behavior.  Lock Gaetz up!

    Maybe Matt Gaetz and his demented mentor Donald Trump can share a bunk bed and jail cell together in federal prison sometime soon?  As the defeated and disgraced former puppet president of Putin used to say, “We’ll see what happens.”

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