NASHVILLE, TN — On Saturday, Oct. 17, the first Saturday for Early Voting, at 10 a.m., the Pounding 4 Change Coalition, along with Pastor Howard

Pastor Howard E. Jones, Jr. talks to documentary journalists about voting and serving the underserved.

Jones, Jr.’s Together Movement and other organizations and individuals will ride to the polls. They will caravan from Nissan Stadium through the city and end up at the Bordeaux Library on Clarksville Pike to vote.  

The Pounding 4 Change movement is totally focused on this election and helping people to vote. They will take people to the polls anyway possible-vans, cars and motorcycles so that these citizens will get to the vote. Social distancing and all safety measures will be observed.

There are less than 30 days from Oct. 5 before the Nov. 3, General Election. Pounding 4 Change is taking on a serious responsibility of getting people registered so they can vote, then vote. There is no doubt that people of color should vote in this election, as though their lives depended on it.

Rev. Howard Jones, senior pastor of Fairfield Missionary Baptist Church stated, “This is a demonstration against injustice. We are working to empower those citizens whose voices are seldom heard, such as those in James Cayce Homes and other neighborhoods whose citizens are marginalized, which  prevents them from becoming empowered to exercise their right to vote.”

This combined group of mostly valiant men, are pounding the pavement, pounding systemic racism, and pounding those who deny opportunities for change.

Residents of Cayce Homes discuss voting with Pounding 4 Change.

This past Saturday, Oct. 4, the group set up in James Cayce Homes, near the basketball court and focused on children and their parents. Haircuts for boys and hair styling for girls were provided, as well as tee shirts and other paraphernalia from Black Voters Matter. Additionally food and gift bags were provided to the residents.

“We want to let people in our community know they are loved and not alone.  We are here to pull them up from poverty and despair, so we can all grow together,” added Jones.

Pounding 4 Change is totally focused on this election and helping people to vote. The last day to register to vote was Monday, Oct. 5. Early voting takes place from Oct. 14 to 29.  Tuesday, Nov. 3 is Election Day. 

Pounding 4 Change wants to ensure everyone votes. The first presidential debate showed the real difference in the candidates and revealed to the citizens that they should not believe the rhetoric about the voting process not being reliable, but to protest in earnest by voting. Since the debate, the reports that President Trump tested positive with COVID-19, and others in his inner circle should truly encourage voting, now more than ever.

For more information please call C. Smooth at 615-332-4991.


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