…faith is confidence in what we hope for… assurance about what we do not see.

 —Hebrews 11:1 NIV

If ever there was a time for believers to live confidently, it is now. Confidence is a necessary element for surviving and thriving in today’s world. So, whatever is getting in the way of your confidence needs to be immediately addressed…then, replaced by unwavering faith.

Countless things make us vulnerable, anxious and uncertain. Don’t believe me? Sit in front of your television for fifteen minutes watching the news headlines. Vulnerable people turn to violence, drugs, and alcohol.  Family members and friends—sometimes complete strangers—suffer the consequences.  In the workplace, anxious people make mistakes, fly off the handle about nothing, or otherwise become destructive team members.

The “Harvard Business Review” identified 8 Barriers to Confidence and How to Overcome Them.   Let’s put a Christ-centered spin on the top 2 confidence-busters.

1. Your thoughts become your reality.  If you believe you will fail or that you lack the skills and intelligence to accomplish a task, you lose way before you start. Imagine preparing for the Olympics. After you get to the starting point, you look at the competition and say:  “I cannot compete against you, so I quit.” As a Christian, confidence should then kick in. You are a winner!  The battle is not yours; it is the Lord’s.  Greater is He that is in you…

2. You really do not believe God can! Great men and women of faith, in the Bible and in modern history, take God at His word. I love the story of Gideon (Judges 6-7). Gideon started out doubting; he lacked confidence in his own ability.  But he engaged in one of the most extraordinary battles ever, defeating 135,000 Midianites—not with the 33,000 soldiers he began with—but with trumpets, jars, torches, and 300 God-chosen, loud-mouthed, wily soldiers. He won because God said he would—not because of extraordinary military strategies or equipment.

Gideon could not explain his victory, and you can’t explain yours. Just be confident that victory is a certain part of your tomorrow. Claim it with confidence!

Regina M. Prude is an inspirational speaker, author and SiriusXM radio show host. Send e-mail comments to regina@reginaprude.com.  Read her blog posts at www.reginaprude.com; follow her on Twitter at https://twitter.com/rprude


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