MURFREESBORO, TN — Amy Jackson, active community volunteer and current President of the Junior League of Murfreesboro, has joined the Saint Thomas Rutherford Foundation as Foundation Coordinator.

“Amy’s skill set is perfectly matched to the Foundation’s needs,” said Anne Davis, Director of the Saint Thomas Rutherford Foundation.  “She has expertise in managing relationships, developing key partnerships, grants management, process improvement, committee oversight, strategic planning and attracting volunteers for Foundation events.” Saint Thomas Health is a part of Ascension, the nation’s largest Catholic and non-profit health system.

Jackson was born in Nashville and made ten moves in 35 years before planting roots in Murfreesboro in 2011.  She earned a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of Connecticut.  Jackson has spent much of her professional career in education over the last eighteen years, working as a classroom teacher and enrichment specialist on the elementary school level, and as a university supervisor and adjunct professor for Lipscomb University and Middle Tennessee State University.

“After we moved to Murfreesboro, I immediately began getting involved in the community,” Jackson said.  “When I found out that Saint Thomas Rutherford is a not-for-profit hospital, that fact made me passionate about the work being done here.  I’m really looking forward to sharing the hospital with the community and encouraging individuals and groups to support the work we’re doing, so we can continue our mission of excellent personalized care for all, including serving the poor.”

“Amy’s current role as President of the Junior League of Murfreesboro is a positive connection to members of the Murfreesboro and Rutherford County community,” Davis added.  “She will preside over The Commonwealth Society and work closely with The Murfree Circle, in addition to working with the Foundation Board of Directors, the Foundation committees and the leadership of the Saint Thomas Rutherford Ambassadors.”

The Saint Thomas Rutherford Foundation’s Commonwealth Society is a forum for young community leaders under the age of 40 to learn about healthcare issues, Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital and the impact of Saint Thomas Health in middle Tennessee. The Murfree Circle brings together local professionals who assist clients with their estate planning needs to learn about the community outreach services the hospital offers the local community. The Ambassadors are a 250-member group that works to support and promote Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital, as well as raising funds for the Saint Louise Clinic.

Jackson is a 2015 graduate of the Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital Commonwealth Society, a 2016 graduate of Leadership Rutherford, a Discovery Center volunteer as a former Community Advisory Board Member and Secret Garden Party Chair, and an active member of First Presbyterian Church of Murfreesboro.



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