Representative Justin Jones will be sworn in Thursday, August 17th at 3:30 PM CST in the Old Supreme Court Chamber of the Tennessee State Capitol by Justice Sharon Lee of the
Tennessee Supreme Court. Representative Jones’ swearing-in will mark the first time in
Tennessee history that a lawmaker expelled will be returned to the legislature.

This comes after what critics have called an unconstitutional and unprecedented move by the increasingly extremist Republican supermajority when they expelled Representative Jones on April 6th, 2023. Representative Jones looks forward to continuing bringing the voices of the People District 52 to the People’s House, and fighting for the clear mandate he received with 77 percent of the vote to “Protect Kids, Not Guns.”

“The mandate given to me by the people of District 52 was resounding and clear, the time for change is now. Throughout our time on the campaign trail and in preparing for the special session the message we have continuously heard is that we need meaningful gun reform to protect our children and communities. If our kids can go back to school then my Republican colleagues can get back to work to build a Tennessee that is safer for all. As I am officially sworn in, we will be fully ready for the special session and look to Speaker Cameron Sexton to return my committee assignments to give equal voice to District 52
residents in the legislative process,” Jones said.


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