By Vivian Shipe

KNOXVILLE, TN — In the future, history will look back on 2020 as a busy pivitol year; it will be remembered as a critical  election year, the year of the census,  the 100 year anniversary of the right of women to vote, and the 100 year anniversary of the League of Women Voters.

Long time league member and nomination committee chair Ann Strange

Formed on February 14, 1920, the mission of the non partisan organization is to encourage informed and active participation of citizens in government, to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy.

That opportunity to inform and educate was presented during the annual League meeting of the League of Women Voters of Knoxville-Knox County, held May 1st in downtown Knoxville at the Southern Depot.

The keynote speaker for the evening was Jack McElroy, recently retired editor of the Knoxville News Sentinel. Guided by McElroy, the paper won several national awards for work on behalf of First Amendment rights and open government; issues he touched on during his informative presentation to the membership.

Young leaders of the Knoxville league: past president Rynn Young, Secretary Dasha Lundy
and Communication Director, Tunisia Holley.

Following the speaker,  the league voted to continue working on the local priority issues of child care, land use, homeless mentally ill persons, urban forestry, use of school facilities by community, teacher recruiting and retention, health issues, and state wide high speed internet 

As Linda McCabbe passed the gavel to new incoming president Tiffany Foster, the league received a challenge for each member to  help create an even more diverse organization and to encourage more young people to join one of the most powerful organizations in the country with over 1000  leagues across the country.


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