Letters to Editor:

 The opinion piece written by Ms Rosetta Miller-Perry (Thursday, Dec. 29 – Jan. 4, 2023) was dynamic, truthful, spot-on and deserves a Pulitzer! Ms. Perry said out loud with clarity what many of us think in silence. Thanks for defending Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover over the treatment she received at the legislative committee hearing regarding housing problems at TSU. Non-whites given the same title as president of any university would not have been so disrespected as you indicated. Ms Perry awakened the historic views of Ida B. Wells, Frederick Douglass, and Carl Rowan of the past; the contemporary opinion writers Roland Martin, and Charles Blow of recent, and all who speak truth to power. It is really refreshing to read essays that call out leaders when they outwardly display racist, anti-social, anti-civil right propaganda. All politicians are supposed to advocate for fairness and equitable treatment for all people they represent, but instead violate the publics trust when they cozy up to corrupt “leaders” as their role models. Your essay is a keeper.

Thank you Ms. Perry

Murle Kenerson


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