NASHVILLE, TN — You Have the Power, a local advocacy organization for victims of violence, hosted  the “Powered by Community, Empowered by You” breakfast program on April 25. 

This event was a meaningful initiative aimed at sharing the work that YHTP does and connecting with members of the community. The funds raised through this event support the Children’s Memory Garden, the Youth Impact Curriculum, and You Have the Power’s other efforts to address the issues affecting our communities, including gun safety, trafficking, and domestic abuse.

The program allowed members of the community to learn more about YHTP and connect, increasing the impact of the work and collaboration of YHTP and others in Nashville. 

Breakfast was served following the program. Through this event, the organization aims to unite individuals from the community to collectively stand against violence and its devastating impacts.

Speakers for this event included Andrea Conte, YHTP Founder and former First Lady of Tennessee, Individuals impacted by YHTP’s work, and Irma Paz-Bernstein, You Have the Power Board Chair 

Founded in 1995, You Have the Power (YHTP) began bringing together those affected by violence. You Have the Power’s mission is to empower those victimized by violent crime through information, advocacy, and understanding.


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