NASHVILLE, TN — As council moves into the next phase of the budgeting process, the Metro Minority Caucus is stepping up to lead by establishing a budget committee and appointing former Metro Council Budget Chair and current Councilwoman Tanaka Vercher as the caucus’s budget chair for the 2020-2021 budget process.
Councilmember At-Large and Chair of the Minority Caucus Sharon Hurt said, “These are unprecedented times of uncertainty and our caucus needs to expand our role and step up and provide even more leadership on budgeting. That’s why I appointed Councilwoman Vercher, the former budget chair for the council, to lead our efforts.”
“We will continue working with city leaders and the council to ensure that the city’s budget is reflective of our communities’ priorities. It is critical that this budget is equitable and inclusive,” said Councilwoman Vercher.
The Caucus believes that the top priorities for our city’s future include strongly funding public schools, making strides to include women and minority owned businesses in city contracts, strongly funding Nashville General Hospital, making sure our policies are respectful of new Americans who seek the American dream, and moving forward with the Community Oversight Board and Office that 59% of voters overwhelmingly voted to support in 2018.
The Metro Minority Caucus is made up of 11 diverse and influential members that are African-American, Hispanic, Muslim and from a wide range of generational and professional backgrounds.
The Caucus Budget Committee includes Councilwoman Tanaka Vercher (Chair), Councilwoman Delishia Porterfield, and Councilwoman Joy Styles, as well as Councilmembers Jonathan Hall and Kyonzte Toombs, Ex-Officio.
Minority Caucus leadership includes Councilmember At-Large Sharon Hurt (President), Delishia Porterfield (Vice President), Councilwoman Sandra Sepulveda (Treasurer), Councilman Jonathan Hall (Secretary), Councilwoman Joy Styles (Chaplain) and Councilwoman Jennifer Gamble (Parliamentarian). The Metro Minority Caucus also includes Councilmembers Zulfat Suara, Brandon Taylor and Antoinette Lee.