MURFREESBORO, TN — The wide world of choices for prospective nurses will be the focus of the next “MTSU On the Record” radio program.

Host Gina Logue’s interview with Amanda Flagg, an associate professor of nursing, will air from 6 to 6:30 am on Sunday, Dec. 8, on WMOT-FM Roots Radio 89.5 and

Flagg’s fascinating career includes 20 years as a flight nurse for the U.S. Air Force. She is a clinical nurse scientist who has published peer-reviewed articles on chronic renal therapy and patient-centered care for frontline nurses. Family counseling and nursing education are among her areas of expertise.

With her students, Flagg said she emphasizes the necessity of combining important theories and best practices with actual experience.

“We want them to connect those dots early, and we call that clinical reasoning and critical thinking,” Flagg said. “For some, that’s a little difficult to do. It’s application from day one when they hit our school all the way through. That’s really key, and how to do that is hands-on and simulation.”


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