The Nashville Branch NAACP will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2017, 6 PM at Spruce Street Baptist Church Merry Townsend Center, 504 Spruce Street (Rev. Raymond Bowman, Pastor).   Members are invited and urged to attend to receive reports of the standing committees and to help shape the agenda for year 2018.   Come out and meet the officers and other young newly appointed leaders.

Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the oldest and largest civil rights organization.  The Association’s Strategic Plan for the 21 Century targets six (6) game changers.   Member units throughout the United States and the world are to work in advocating for:


  1. Economic Sustainability – Every person will have equal opportunity to achieve economic success, sustainability, and financial security;


  1. Education – Every child will receive a free, high quality, equitably-funded, public pre-K and K-12 education followed by diverse opportunities for accessible, affordable vocational or university education;


  1. Health – Every person will have equal access to affordable, high quality health care, and that racially disparate health outcomes will end;


  1. Public Safety and Criminal Justice – Disproportionate incarceration; racially motivated policing strategies; and, racially biased, discriminatory and mandatory minimum sentencing will end;


  1. Voting Rights and Political Representation – Every American will have free, open, equal, and protected access to the vote and fair representation at all levels of the political process; and


  1. Expanding Youth and Young Adult Engagement– The NAACP is expanding the presence of young consciousness in every aspect of the Association through significant attention to expanding   engagement with key age demographic (1979 and after).  Young adult engagement will be significant in policy research, development and advocacy on all levels.


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Nashville Branch NAACP

1308 Jefferson Street – Nashville, TN  37208

(615) 329-0999


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