By Taylor Sanchez

NASHVILLE, TN —September 15 ushers in Hispanic Heritage Month and runs until October 15. The month was first declared by the United States in 1988, to commemorate the “anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.” According to the US Census, Hispanic Americans number more than 62 million and are one of the fastest growing minority groups in the US. 

Nashville will commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month with events planned by various organizations. The Nashville Public Library’s Wishing Chair Productions (puppet troupe) will present the “Amazing Twins” in conjunction with Vanderbilt’s Center for Latin American Studies. The show will take place in the puppet theatre in the Main Public Library downtown starting Friday. According to the Nashville Public Library, “Puppets of all types illuminate the ancient Maya tales of Creation and the Amazing Twins. Follow the Amazing Twins through the nefarious and mysterious underworld as they attempt to save themselves and, in turn, all of mankind.”

Conexión Américas will host three events to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. First, the  Hispanic Heritage Month Awards Ceremony on September 15 will honor Latino creators through their annual “Young Latinx Essay and Multimedia Contest” and will also award the Orgullo Hispano (Hispanic Pride) award “which recognizes three Latinx adults or young people who have been persistently working to better their immediate community.” 

On Sept 29 they will host The Latin Party at Nashville’s Farmers’ Market. The event will feature “live Latin music & DJ, Latin street food, beginner salsa class, and Hora Loca (Crazy Hour); this is the party-within-the-party, an hour of the best upbeat Latin music and dance show.” A family friendly event will occur on Sept 30, The Hispanic Heritage Festival at the Zoo. The event will include live music, food, and fun for all ages. 

Wrapping up the fun on October 28-29, Cheekwood’s Annual “El Día de los Muertos” or “Day of the Dead.” According to Cheekwood you can expect an event that “includes traditional music and dance, vibrant art activities, and authentic cuisine. Visitors will learn about the culture of their Latin American neighbors while exploring beautiful altar displays and shopping in the marketplace.”

If you are interested in purchasing tickets for the Latin Party, you can buy them at 


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