NASHVILLE, TN — At its monthly delegates meeting last night, the Central Labor Council of Nashville and Middle Tennessee unanimously voted to endorse Freddie O’Connell for Mayor.
Those attending the meeting and approving the endorsement were representative of Nashville’s diverse workforce, including telecoms workers, sheet metal workers, teachers, construction workers, steelworkers, city workers, machinists, plumbers & pipefitters, auto workers, film & television workers, electricians, painters, and campus workers.
“During his time on Nashville’s Metro Council, Freddie has consistently voted to put the interests of Nashville’s workers over those of tourists, developers, and greedy corporations,”said Vonda McDaniel, CLC President and member of the Steelworkers Union. “We have no doubt that as Nashville’s next Mayor, Freddie will keep workers at the forefront of our growing city.”
Several union locals that belong to the Central Labor Council are already planning robust GOTV efforts to ensure Freddie O’Connell’s election, including the United Association (UA) Local 572 (plumbers, pipefitters, and HVAC workers), the Laborers Local 386 (construction workers and Vanderbilt maintenance workers), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 205 (school support workers, Nashville General Hospital workers, MDHA Workers, NES workers, and other city workers), and the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Local 456.