Beginning in March, Nashville was hit with some of the most destructive weather its history, followed by COVID-19, a devastating pandemic. The damage to electricity lines, power poles and other equipment was challenging but Nashville Electric Service stepped up and restored power in record time.

NES also eased Nashvillians’ financial burdens by waiving late fees, absorbing credit card fees and ceasing disconnections due to nonpayment through September 30.

Today NES continues to be committed to Nashville customers.

NES is offering an extended payment plan for 12 months to ease financial burdens, in addition to resources for assistance such as financial aid.

Financial Aid Is Available

NES customers concerned about catching up on overdue bills are urged to apply for aid immediately. There are multiple avenues for assistance, but some may be available on a first come, first served basis. Please don’t delay – apply today for any of the following programs:

NeedLink Nashville: Visit us online for assistance. Those 75 and up or those who cannot apply online may call 615-269-6835.

In addition to the standard Project Help customer-donated funds available through NeedLink, NES and TVA have come together to establish the Community Care Fund which offers matching funds totaling $350,000. These funds will go directly to NeedLink Nashville for management and administration to customers in need of assistance.

Installment Plan

In addition, NES has implemented a special payment extension to help ease financial burdens. Anyone with an overdue electric service bill has automatically been enrolled in an installment plan with no penalty. Beginning July 1, 2020, NES evenly distributed past-due balances into 12 monthly payments. These charges appear on each monthly bill, and customers who keep up with their payments going forward are assured service.


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