Dear Editors,

If we’re lucky enough to be on good terms and close enough to visit, the holidays mean family time. These folks are in our lives, period. We didn’t choose them and they’re not going anywhere. So, if you have relatives who spout opinions but don’t know the difference between facts and propaganda, here’s a suggestion.

Avoid politics. That’s right. Don’t talk politics, talk policy. Ignore opinion, elevate facts, pass the gravy. This is especially important when it comes to how we handle firearms in TN and in our country. Three quick examples.

When a cousin declares, “Bad guys will always find a way to get a gun.” I say, “Hm, I’m not sure about that but I do know that laws like background checks stop gun sales to criminals every day, saving thousands of lives.”

Or, to the classic, “Strong gun laws don’t work. Look at Chicago,” I offer, “I can see why you think that, but Chicago actually demonstrates why we need strong gun laws at the Federal level. Many of the guns used in homicides there come from states, like Indiana, with lax gun laws.”

To the idea that “Arming teachers will keep our kids safer in schools,” I ask, “Really? All the research shows that, in fact, the presence of guns in classrooms increases the risks posed to students and teachers.”

Hopefully, by focusing on facts and avoiding arguments, we’ll both enjoy the holidays and lay the groundwork for smarter gun safety policy.

Dan Bray
Nashville, Tennessee

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