NASHVILLE, TN — State Representative Brenda Gilmore today announces her candidacy for the 19th State Senatorial District.

“Now more than ever we need leaders with a longstanding record of giving back, listening and responding to constituents’ concerns,” Gilmore said.  “I go to work every day and listen to the concerns and frustrations of our citizens. I have been blessed with the opportunity to actually respond and make a real difference. It would be my honor to continue giving back to this community.”

While serving in the State House, she has advocated for Ban the Box, which provides those convicted of a crime with equal opportunity to work once they have fully served their time and paid their debt back to society.  Rep. Gilmore has worked to secure fair share of land grant funding for TSU and worked on approving the noise wall on Highway 65 North.  She continues to work to reduce and remove the sales tax on food, insure that all children receive the best education possible and provide economic and job opportunities for everyone.

Highlight of Rep Gilmore’s legislative leadership include career and technical education in Metro Schools; increasing parent participation in education; prescription medicine transparency, elderly abuse prevention, foreclosure prevention and education, solid waste reduction, asthma prevention and education and criminal justice reform.

In addition to her legislative service, Gilmore serves on numerous boards and organizations, presently acting as Vice President of NAACP Nashville, President of the National Hook Up of Black Women, and President of the Minerva Foundation. She is an active and engaged member of Mount Zion Baptist Church.  Formerly she has served as Church Clerk and taught Sunday School at Fairfield Baptist Church.

She also currently works with the Tennessee State University Alumni Association and has served as the Chairperson for the United Negro College Fund Volunteer Committee, as well as Co-Chair of the Capital Campaign for the Northwest YMCA, Board of Trust at Belmont University and Chair of Fifty Forward, formerly the Senior Citizen Board.

“I will continue the fight to raise up everyone in our community, from women and children to the disadvantaged and those struggling to make ends meet,”   said Gilmore.

Rev. Howard Jones, senior pastor of Fairfield M.B. Church announced in February he was willing to serve as a candidate for Senator of the 19th District, if Senator Harper retires.


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