By Vivian Shipe

KNOXVILLE, TN — The Young Professionals of Knoxville selected Vrondelia Ronni Chandler, executive director of Project Grad as the recipient of their prestigious Impact Award. 

The award is given every year to a leader who helps young professionals  become leaders who serve the community. The recipient is selected by the example they present in their personal and professional lives.

Chandler, who has been married for over 45 years to her childhood sweetheart Tim Chandler; serves in the ministry at her church, First AME Zion Church, and has long been a mentor for young people in Knoxville. A woman of great faith and integrity, she is highly respected in the Knoxville community.

Her honors and awards are many. She serves on the Pellissippi State Foundation Board of Trustees and Johnson University Advisory Board. As executive director of Project Grad she has been with the highly successful program for over 18 years 

Chandler will be the keynote speaker at the awards ceremony which will be held virtually  on Thursday, November 10th. The event  will also recognize the top two young professionals and present certificates to the leadership graduates for the year.


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