Odessa Kelly statement in campaign email:

We’re not even a month into our campaign and Ted Cruz is already taking time out of his day as a U.S. Senator to hop on Twitter and attack me. That’s how I know we’re doing something right.

He’s out here calling me “angry” and “violent” — but Ted, do you remember how you incited a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol that killed 5 people? I sure do.

These attacks are likely just the beginning of what’s going to be a tough campaign to keep me — and our progressive agenda — out of Congress. And if Republicans are coming out swinging this early into our campaign, that means they think we’re a serious threat. Anything you can contribute will help us build out a team that can respond to attacks like these, fight back, and win.

It makes sense that we’re seeing attacks from the right this early on — you can bet that Ted Cruz would be a lot happier with Jim Cooper, my conservative opponent, in Congress than with me. Cooper took money from corporate PACs representing weapons manufacturers and real estate developers, worked to undermine Wall Street reforms, and sided with the rich and powerful time and time again. I’m the only candidate in this race who is committed to bold, ambitious change.

Dozens of people have contributed since I last emailed, and I want you to know how grateful I am for your early support — especially now that we’re fighting off Republican attacks, having a network of grassroots supporters I can count on when things get tough is everything to me.

Can you contribute right now to help us make our campaign even stronger? Even $5 or $10 can make a huge difference.

Friend, thank you for believing in me right from the start of our campaign. I can’t wait to shock the nation with everything our progressive movement is going to accomplish.

– Odessa


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