By Victoria Green

NASHVILLE, TN — According to the Biden administration, TSU has been underfunded by 2.1 billion! Causing many to believe TSU has been cheated. We must stay WOKE! TSU students sought legal advice from Civil Rights Atty. Ben Crump who encouraged the State of TN to grant TSU the monies that are due to the University.  Many gathered at TSU’s Kean Hall including Alumni, Community Activist, Elected Officials, Student Government Association, and students who rallied for the betterment of the University.

The leaders rallied to assure TSU MATTER! TSU President Dr. Glenda Glover, Atty. Ben
Crump, TN State Senator Charlane Oliver, Nashville NAACP President Rev. Vernita Lewis,
Former Council Member At-Large Sharon Hurt, SGA President Derrell Taylor, SGA Executive VP Chrishonda O’Quinn, TSU Student Trustee Board Member, Shaun Wimberly Jr. TSU National Alumni President, Charles Galbreath, TSU Alumni President Nashville Chapter, Dwight Beard, Save TSU Community Coalition Pastor Chris Jackson, Second Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Calvin C. Barlow and Former SGA President and Public Figure, Danny Glover all emphasized the importance of TSU receiving a quality University, TSU is worthy of 2.1 billion, and TSU deserves justice.

What does 2.1 billion mean to TSU?

TSU National Alumni President, Charles Galbreath stated, “Although TSU was underfunded, we were able to go out into the world and do great things.” “However, with the proper funding we could have done greater things in the world.” “We also need to advocate to the State Legislators to be on TSU’s side, to be a successful University in the future.”

TSU Alumni President Nashville Chapter, Dwight Beard stated, “2.1 billion is owed to us and we are going through the proper channels to make sure the monies come to the university.” “The University is lacking a number of things, such as a swimming pool, athletic fields, dormitories, scholarships, and the students have suffered from the underfunding” “The State of TN should do the right thing.”

Former Council Member At-Large Sharon Hurt stated, “I am very concern about TSU not
receiving the 2.1 billion that’s been unfunded by the State of TN.” “It is time to make sure they do right by TSU” “We need more resources, more dorms, and scholarships.” “When I was in school, 900 people went home because they were purged from school because, they couldn’t pay the tuition.” “If we had more resources and the scholarships the students could have stayed in school.”

Rising Senior Trey S. Cunningham, Healthcare Administration and Planning Major, SGA Rep At-Large for Financial Aid, stated, “The 2.1 billion mean infrastructural improvements, deferred maintenance no longer being a thing, research and sponsored programs going even further and driving the needle even further than what it is now.” “What it means to me is to close my eyes and envision and imagine TSU being the crème de la crème, that it already is.”

Junior Aniya Sanders, Biology Major, and Africana Studies Minor, from Miami, FL Stated, “2.1 billion mean that my children’s children will be able to be afforded an opportunity greater than what I am afforded here at TSU right now.”

Rising Sophomore Cameron D. Henderson, Engineer and Psychology Major from Atlanta, GA stated “2.1 billion mean to me a better campus overall, better student life, better housing, and more events for students.”

Freshman Trinity Clark, Human Performance Sports Science Major from Atlanta, GA stated, “2.1 billion would mean a lot to me and my fellow classmates and future tigers.” “This could mean more scholarships, housing, more availability to meal plans, and enhancing our classrooms and giving us more resources to better our education.”

The state of Tennessee owes TSU $2.1 BILLION! The Community Town Hall and Rally were
successful. It has been previously stated “We have work to do,” “We have a platform to stand on,” and “We must take action” TSU deserves JUSTICE!


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