NASHVILLE, TN — Susan Tucker Jones, Esq., former President of the Napier-Looby Bar Association, was one of two attorneys recently identified as “Best of the Bar” in the area of “Corporate Counsel, Government/Institution” by the Nashville Business Journal.   This honor is a result of votes cast by Nashville attorneys, in an effort to identify the best in the field.

Atty. Jones is very active in the legal profession.   She has served as Co-Chair of the Government Lawyers  Nashville Bar Association, a 2015 graduate of the Tennessee Bar Association’s Leadership Law Program (TBALL), and serves as a volunteer for Lipscomb University’s Fred D. Gray Institute for Law, Justice, & Society Legal Clinic at Schrader Lane Church of Christ.   Additionally, she was recently approved by the Tennessee Supreme Court as a Rule 31 Listed General Civil Mediator.

Currently, Atty. Susan Tucker Jones is a Senior Attorney with the Metropolitan Department of Law where her legal practice focus is government representation in the areas of land use and regulatory law.

A native of Nashville, Susan Tucker Jones is a graduate of Hunters Lane Comprehensive High School, received her B.S. and M. Ed. from Tennessee State University, and earned her Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the University of Tennessee College of Law.  She is the mother of a wonderful son, and the daughter of Elder Jesse Tucker and Dr. Carolyn Baldwin Tucker.

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