Letter to the Citizens of Mason from the TN Comptroller

Dear Citizens of Mason,

Last month I visited the Town of Mason to have a difficult discussion with your town leaders. Mason is at a critical point in its history, and I am concerned about its future. In m_y c;,pigion,.it’s time for Mason to relinquish its charter.

For at least 20 years, the town government has been poorlymanaged. Audits have been late, budgets have not been approved, major infrastructure needs have been ignored, and fraud has taken place… just to name a few issues. For years we have been told the problems are getting fixed, but the facts tell a different story. Due to financial mismanagement. the Town of Mason finds itself in a deep hole.

The construction of the new Ford plant in West Tennessee could offer hope to your community, but I worry that if you remain an incorporated town these opportunities will be missed. New jobs, infrastructure improvements, and economic investments are made in places with a track record of good government. Unfortunately, government is not working in Mason, and the closing of the prison has made things even worse. People and companies will not invest their money in a poorly run town.

Mason currently has the highest municipal property tax rate in Tipton County. I asked your mayor how these taxes help you. Other than the town’s 26 paid employees, it was difficult for the mayor to identify any benefit to the citizens from the town’s existence as an incorporated municipality. This is unfair to you and your neighbors.

There is a long line of people who believe in your community and are ready to assist. Opportunity awaits if the Mason community can be viewed separately from its poor government by relinquishing its charter. A Special Called Meeting is scheduled for March 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Mason City Hall. I urge you to attend and encourage your local officials to do what’s necessary to allow Mason to thrive. There is no time to waste.


Jason E. Mumpower

TN Comptroller of the Treasury


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