High Blood Pressure can be a “silent killer.” Often, patients go years without seeking the care of a primary care physician unless they feel ill.  On the other hand, patients typically visit their dentist twice a year for dental checkups and cleanings.  During the dental checkup, the dentist is most likely to take the patient’s blood pressure as a part of their complete exam.  High blood pressure typically doesn’t present any noticeable symptoms unless dangerously high, which is why monitoring of blood pressure is important.

The Direct Effect High Blood Pressure Can have on Dental Treatment:

• May have to reduce the dosage of anesthetic drugs being used.

• Taking blood pressure medicines can cause dry mouth which can be a factor in tooth decay.

• High blood pressure can cause excessive bleeding in certain dental procedures, therefore, the dentist is likely to monitor the patient’s blood pressure, before, during, and after certain treatments.

High blood pressure is a risk factor for several major health conditions to include heart attack, stroke, and diabetes.  Many people don’t know their blood pressure is even abnormally high until they visit their dentist.  If the dentist determines a patient has high bloodpressure, the patient will likely be referred to their primary care physician.  Your dentist can detect this silent killer during your routine checkups and cleanings.  Monitoring your blood pressure at your dental appointment ensures your safety during dental procedures and could save your life! So, don’t put off scheduling your checkups with your dentist.

I hope this Tooth Talk has helped and call Integrity Dental Care, PLLC (615) 445-8700 or email dr.jmitchell@integritydentalcares.com with any questions you may have.

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