
Hollywood executives, Silicon Valley titans and other corporate leaders who sound similar themes to China’s ruling Communist Party may be violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, said Attorney General William Barr. Doing business with China could potentially lead to a violation of the law because of Chinese efforts to “cultivate and coerce” them into promoting the Chinese Communist Party’s agenda, Barr said. The Justice Department has seen an uptick in Chinese “officials and their proxies reaching out to corporate leaders and inveighing them to favor policies and actions favored by the Chinese Communist Party,” Barr said in a speech at…

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More swing-state voters are registering Republican than Democrat, a data firm allied with Democrats found. The U.S. parties register voters using different methods — and the ways favored by Democrats have been hampered by lockdown measures in Democratic Party-led cities and states in the first months of the pandemic. Republicans hold a 1-point advantage in battleground districts, according to Republican campaign data, but experts debate whether their surge in voter registration in swing states will allow the party to hold that lead as measures to control Covid-19 ease. The U.S. presidential election is 109 days away. The coronavirus pandemic crushed…

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Eileen Flynn has made history by becoming the first member of the Traveller ethnic minority to join the Irish Senate. And she’s hit the ground running in her new job, calling on the government to extend the maternity leave for mothers who gave birth during the coronvirus lockdown. Fighting inequalities and standing up for the marginalized in Irish society is her core focus. Apart from speaking up for the Traveller community in Ireland, she says she wants to be a voice for “people at the end of Irish society,” including refugees, asylum seekers and ethnic minorities. True to her motto…

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Videos of fighting at the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (district) have been posted on YouTube by defense ministries of both countries. The fierce fighting in the district in west Azerbaijan, which is mostly inhabited by ethnic Armenians, continued for a third day on July 14. Both sides have laid claim to the territory, which borders eastern Armenia. It is internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory. Neither side is backing down, resulting in frequent clashes. The three videos posted on social media and local media show multiple attacks with ordinance ripping into…

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A group of sex workers in Botswana recently threatened to expose high-profile clients if their demands for better treatment by the government and local communities are not met. Sisonke Botswana, a sex worker-led organization made up of both men and women that advocates for equality and protection of sex workers, is advocating for the legalization of such work. That, the group hopes, will lead to better health care access and education, as well as a reduction in physical, sexual, emotional and economic violence. They made the threat before the lifting of the lockdown a month ago, and have maintained that…

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Amid increasing restrictions around the world as the number of coronavirus cases spikes, the vacation hot spot of Andalusia on the southern coast of Spain is requiring everyone to wear face masks at all beaches and swimming pools as of Wednesday. People who violate the new rules could face fines of up to $114 (100 euros), according to the government Ministry of Health and Families. The use of the face masks is obligatory for people older than age 6 in outdoor spaces whether or not they are able to keep a social distance of 5 feet (1.5 meters), according to…

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During his 19 NBA seasons, Shaquille O’Neal scored 28,596 points and 3,026 assists. But he recently provided an assist of another kind, staying with a stranded motorist who had a blown-out tire on a Florida highway. The incident occurred Tuesday on Interstate 75 near Gainesville, after O’Neal, 48, saw the driver pull over to the side of the road. On a Facebook video posted by the Alachua County Sheriff’s Department, the driver can he heard telling deputies that her tire blew out, forcing her to stop. The 7-foot-1-inch retired basketball icon pulled over to offer help to the woman and…

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Two abandoned dogs and a cat that apparently survived by drinking water from the toilet in a German apartment were discovered and rescued after a terrible smell from the apartment prompted neighbors to contact an animal charity. The charity, Arme Socken (Poor Socks), notified police in the city of Dortmund in the western North Rhine-Westphalia region. “We contacted the police after getting a call from the neighbors and confirmed that there was a terrible smell coming from the flat. You would only know that there were dogs inside because you could hear them grunting through the open windows,” said Arme…

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An ATM is MIA from a busy street in Philadelphia. Video from CCTV cameras shows a group of men wrapping a thick metal chain around a cash machine and using a U-Haul van to rip the machine from its fitting and flee with it. The incident took place on North Fifth Street in the Olney area of the city around 4 a.m. local time on June 1. The video was recently released by the Philadelphia Police Department. In the video, other vehicles can be seen passing as the thieves pull on the ATM and ram the van into the…

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A 27-year-old paraglider was rescued after she lost lift and fell into a ravine near a beach in La Jolla, California. San Diego firefighters and lifeguards lift a female paraglider in a stretcher up the face of a ravine after she lost lift and tumbled from the skies. (Newsflash)The woman, who was not named, was taken to a hospital for evaluation. There has been no report on her condition. Firefighters and lifeguards from San Diego lifted the woman on a stretcher up the face of the ravine next to the popular Citizens Trail at Black’s Beach in La Jolla around…

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