NASHVILLE, TN — Tusca Alexis, is one of four democratic candidates, running for the Davidson County, Fourth Circuit Court Judge. The elections will be held on March 5, 2024. Early voting will occur from February 14th through February 27th, 2024.
Alexis brings over three decades of legal experience. She has practiced in diverse areas of the law, in Courts throughout the State of Tennessee. Alexis has practiced family law (including matters of divorces, adoption, child support, custody, etc.), criminal defense, medical malpractice, worker’s compensation, personal injury, wrongful death, and probate matters, for more than 33 years. Alexis’ portfolio includes certifications in Mediation as well as Mediation Training.
Alexis is proud to have had the experience of being a former Public Defender, and to have been able to represent economically disadvantaged people in the legal system. She believes that providing representation to marginalized people is a huge step for justice. Her past experiences gives her a unique understanding that can help if she takes the bench. She understands the Court system, and the toll it can take on families. She has been in the trenches and has listened to their stories, making her more apt to listen carefully before making decisions.
Alexis believes that she will bring “trial diversity and a wealth of legal experience” to the bench. She believes that her experience is very important to reducing the huge caseload, in the Family Courts of Davidson County. Alexis points out that the utilization of mediation will also help in reducing the caseload in the system. Finally, Alexis believes that every litigant coming before the Family Courts in Davidson County, should have their cases heard in a timely manner, allowing them to have a quick, fair and just resolution.