
MUMBAI — Thousands of “fireflies” are helping to save the critically endangered great Indian bustard in Jaisalmer, a desert city in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan. More than 1,800 bird diverters — which from a distance look like fireflies — have been installed on the power lines in Jaisalmer, where the majority of the country’s 150 remaining great Indian bustards live. A report by the Ministry of Environment submitted to the National Green Tribunal in 2019 said that adult mortality among the bustards “is still very high due to collisions with power-lines that criss-cross their flypaths.” The report calculated…

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TAMIL NADU — Droughts are not new to India, but scientists have recently cited cause other than El Niño for the seasonal dry spells. El Niño, first identified in the 1600s, is associated with the sudden appearance of warm water in the Pacific Ocean in December and causes warmer land temperatures. In India, at least 30 cities in the country are forecast to face a serious water crisis by 2050. While El Niño is typically blamed for the seasonal droughts, a new study published in the journal Science on Dec. 11 has found another explanation for Indian summer monsoons that…

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KOLKATA — A spate of suicides linked to alleged harassment by digital lending companies is drawing increased government scrutiny of subprime lenders. Three people in the southern city of Hyderabad committed suicide this month after allegedly being harassed by recovery agents of digital lending companies, which make subprime loans to those who lack the financial resources or the credit needed for a traditional loan.  As many as five deaths in several states have been reported, all allegedly due to harassing loan recovery methods, some media reports say. After reports of the suicides, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) cautioned people against using…

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ANQING, CHINA — In a heartbreaking incident, a little girl in China was captured pleading on CCTV camera to send her parents back home. For the little girl, the computer camera is the only means to communicate with her parents, who work in Wuxi. So, when she spotted the CCTV camera in the courtyard at her grandparents’ home, she started shouting “dad” hoping that her father might appear as she was lonely. This highlights the social issue of left-behind children in China. In a video, the little one can be seen mumbling something before calling out “Papa” & “Momma”, and keenly…

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NAVARRE, Spain — A weeping woman got to embrace her father’s remains following an 84-year search after he was executed during the Spanish Civil War. The government of Navarre, an autonomous community in Spain, returned the remains of Claudio Doreteo Dieguez Loza to his daughter Concha Dieguez on Dec. 18. Navarre, Spain. Map by Urvashi MakwanaFootage released after the return ceremony shows investigators uncovering the remains and placing them in a metal enclosure. Dieguez and 15 other relatives are then given the remains, and she can be seen hugging the coffin containing them as her family members console her. Following…

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JAKARTA, Indonesia — China has emerged as the top security challenge to NATO, triggering questions about how the organization will deal with Beijing. China’s military rise, due to economic growth that helps boosts its military capabilities, poses a challenge to NATO. That suggests members may hold more meetings and could work to strengthen the NATO 2030-“United for a New Era” statement issued Dec. 1. The alliance said China is not an immediate military threat akin to Russia, meaning that Moscow remains NATO’s main threat today. The Kremlin is silhouetted at sunset against the modern skyscrapers of Moscow in Moscow, Russia,…

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KABUL — Freshta Kohistani, a prominent women’s rights activist and former provincial council member in Afghanistan, was shot and killed along with her brother in her hometown of Kohistan district in Kapisa province on Dec. 24. The two were on a motorbike when gunmen opened fire, according to the Interior Ministry. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. Kohistani, 29, led many protests on behalf of women’s rights and raised awareness on social media about violence against women in the country. She also participated in the presidential election campaign for Abdullah Abdullah. Kohistani was the second activist to be…

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La ropa interior tiene que ser roja o amarilla en el Año Nuevo… o la suerte se truncará. Hay muchas tradiciones que se siguen, pero por lo general se ignora su significado. Una de ellas es el hábito de usar ropa interior de estos colores, con la intención de atraer la energía o vibra correcta para que no falten ni el amor ni el dinero en un ciclo nuevo que está por comenzarse. Una tradición muy divertida y singular Algunos podrían pensar que es una usanza latinoamericana, pero existen otros países, como Italia o España, que creen en ello. El…

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Existe una mezcla curiosa entre la comida mexicana y la texana. Individualmente, es claro que no son lo mismo, pero llegaron a un punto de fusión que terminó por crear la ‘Tex-Mex’. Esta comida resalta en tres territorios distintos—Texas, Estados Unidos y México—, y hoy es muy significativa. La comida Tex-Mex: ¿Cómo surgió? En el estado de Texas, siempre han convivido muchas culturas, creando un mestizaje por los encuentros que se han dado. La manera de cocinar de los texanos utiliza mucho la carne y especias como el comino, el cual proviene de África. La cocina Tex-Mex, que comparte mucho…

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Es una región popular por su gran biodiversidad, belleza, misticismo y atractivo turístico. Los Tuxtlas—del náhuatl Toxtli, que significa “conejo” o “pájaros amarillos”—, en el estado de Veracruz, tiene 4 municipios que conforman la Zona Conurbada de los Tuxtlas—en diminutivo, la ZCT—con alrededor de 180,000 habitantes en la ciudad de San Andrés Tuxtla. Aunque es una zona relativamente barata para turistas, la Reserva Ecológica de Nanciyaga es un lugar poco conocido. Sus paisajes e información para compartir con el público la hacen una opción imperdible de conocer en esta zona. Lo que hay que saber de la Reserva Ecológica de…

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