Una playa virgen, de pequeña proporción, pero con un mar color azul turquesa, oleaje en calma y arena dorada como el oro ofrecen este lugar precioso. Este tesoro, uno de los mayores de la República Mexicana, se encuentra en la costa de Michoacán. Abarca 240 kilómetros de largo y está enmarcado por acantilados y formaciones rocosas emergentes del mar, repletas de vida. Como hay pocos turistas en la zona, las aves, tortugas marinas y otros animales puedan andar con libertad, en su hogar que es un santuario. En la playa La Llorona, en el municipio de Aquila de este bello…
Author: zenger.news
Es cuestión inmediata que al entrar en cualquier red social, las personas se topen con un “meme” que les saque una sonrisa. Tal vez se trate de alguna notificación en una “app” que hace llegar de forma inmediata una imagen capaz de transmitir lo que harían falta mil palabras para expresar. Los memes son parte de la cultura popular de la actualidad, y tuvieron un increíble crecimiento en la última década de este siglo XXI, gracias a que el Internet permite la interconexión entre millones de usuarios alrededor del mundo. Cuando recién cobraban fama las redes sociales, la interacción a…
TOULOUSE, France — A mobile medical hospital that operates like an accordion has just been created by a French defense company. It’s so versatile it can be utilized for anything from health crises to terrorist attacks. Trained personnel can deploy the module in 30 minutes. Cegelec Defense and France’s Urgent Medical Aid Service have teamed to create the mobile unit. The unit is a world-first, said Henri Chevreul, commercial director of Cegelec Defense and a former colonel in the French army. The new Cegelec system, a prototype, is made to order. It hasn’t been put to actual use yet. The…
One of the most awaited celebrations in Latin America is the Día de Los Santos Innocentes, or “Day of the Holy Innocents,” which occurs every year on Dec. 28. Just like Americans do during April Fool’s Day, Latinos pull practical and elaborate jokes on one another during the holiday. Tradition dictates that, whenever someone makes a successful joke, they must say, “Innocent little dove, that let yourself be fooled.” While the holiday has a sad origin, it is now a day full of laughter. It dates back to Biblical times, with its name coming from the innocent babies that King…
KOLKATA, India — India’s urban housing shortage rose 54 percent to 29 million in 2018, from 18.78 million in 2012, according to a recently published research paper. The study revealed that the per capita floor area of congested households, defined as households where married couples do not have a separate room, decreased from 111 square feet in 2012 to 83 square feet in 2018. The Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations conducted the study, the results of which were published in a paper, “Housing For India’s Low-Income Urban Households: A Demand Perspective”. “Urban housing shortage is a representation…
TAMIL NADU — India’s information technology sector has had a busy year in 2020, with several big-ticket deals signed by Indian companies with foreign clients based out of Europe and the US. Many of these deals are spread across years and will generate big revenue for these firms. Recently, two information technology majors in India — Wipro and Infosys — signed multi-year deals with German companies. While Wipro’s deal with German general store chain METRO AG, was pegged at $700 million for five years with an extension of four years, the amount of Infosys’ deal with makers of Mercedes-Benz Daimler…
MUMBAI — In September this year, the Tibetan community in Bengaluru, a city in south India, experienced a rare phenomenon. Passang Chokpa, a 90-year-old woman was declared dead by a doctor after a thorough examination. Her pulse was absent, her heartbeat had stopped, and she was not breathing. But as relatives began making arrangements for her last rites, they noticed that her body had not stiffened, there was no discoloration and she appeared as if she was in deep sleep. They realized that Chokpa was in a state of thukdam — a post-death meditative state wherein the body of the…
MEXICO CITY — Once the holiday season is over, many people don’t know what to do with their Christmas trees. In some states of Mexico, families shouldn’t throw them away. Instead, per instructions from such federal government agencies as the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) and the National Forestry Commission (Conaflor), they should take them to designated collection centers. Before the holiday season, many families ponder what type of Christmas tree to buy, a natural or an artificial one. Although artificial Christmas trees can last for several seasons, they often end up in landfills. But if recycled…
CALAFELL, Spain — Researchers have determined the cause of death of a man killed more than 5,000 years ago by applying modern forensics techniques to his fractured skull. The skull was first discovered in 1999 during an excavation of Cova Foradada, a prehistoric cave and archeological site in Calafell, Spain, in the northeastern region of Catalonia. However, scientists just recently figured out how the victim died, and the results of their research were published in the International Journal of Paleopathology this month. The skull was uncovered in a collective burial site created during the Neolithic Period, Miguel Angel Moreno-Ibanez told Zenger…
Antara Patel (11) and Prisha Patel (12), two Mumbai preteens, have won a gold medal at the World Robotics Olympiad 2020 in the Open Elementary category (9-12 years). Antara and Prisha’s team — Technonerds — won the medal for designing a robotics solution that cools the air expelled from the outdoor units of air conditioners by seven to nine degrees centigrade. They were declared the winners among 20 finalists chosen from 450 teams representing over 75 countries. While Antara was celebrating Diwali with her relatives when the winners were announced, the girls’ mentor Reetu Jain was busy praying to the Hindu goddess…