CLARKSVILLE, TN – Cooking corn bread so moist some customers call it a cake, Ebby’s Homemade Honey Cornbread has become a fast-growing baking company cooking up a storm in Clarksville, and collaborating with the city to warm the stomachs of its citizens. Husband and wife dynamic duo Chad and Ebony Terry said that Clarksville has made them feel right at home since moving in three years ago, and that they are looking forward to spreading their business throughout Middle Tennessee.
“People have said they, like, love it,” Ebony said. “A lot of the times people will be like, ‘Oh, when are you guys going to be doing another event so I can get it? I need my cornbread fix.’ It’s been really, really positive.”
Ebony said that Ebby’s Homemade Honey Cornbread was largely a product of the lockdowns that came with the COVID-19. She said that it was during this time Chad founded the company, making her its face, name, and logo, and himself the CEO.
“I let him do all that stuff,” Ebony said. “I’m just kind of there to, you know, bake. I enjoy it anyways. It doesn’t really feel like a job to me. I feel like I would be baking for him even if I wasn’t there for the business.”
Ebony said that in addition to catering for the city of Clarksville, Ebby’s Homemade Honey Cornbread has had the opportunity to cater for the Historic Collinsville Pioneer Settlement, located south of Clarksville. She said during the last spring-to-fall season, Ebby’s was serving food at the pioneer settlement meant to show authentic rural life in Tennessee from 1830-1900, every second Saturday of the month.
Ebony said her passion for baking began largely from baking with her grandparents, and cooking with her mother and father during her formative years. She said though she loved to bake throughout her entire childhood, her maternal grandfather specifically was the one who inspired her love for cornbread with his very special recipe which she said still serves as a great inspiration for the cornbread she makes today.
“He always made the best cornbread,” Ebony said. “I loved it. I was always a fan, had to have it every time we went to visit. I needed him to make that for me. And so, kind of my love for his cornbread and then just like my love for baking in general, just kind of merged the two.”
Chad Terry said that he helps work events and in other ways when needed, but his main job is largely everything regarding the business side of Ebby’s Homemade Honey Cornbread. He said that this includes being the person responsible for connecting with other vendors for collaborative efforts, connecting with locations in order to set up shop, and following up on other business opportunities. Chad said this largely allows Ebony to focus on what she does best, that being baking delicious food for hungry crowds.
She said the servings sizes of their cornbread varies between mini pans that are perfect to share with a friend and larger family pans capable of feeding 8 to 10 people, that are widely popular among customers during holidays, events, and general large gatherings. She said that though the honey cornbread is their staple, Ebby’s in the past have also made oatmeal cookies, Kentucky butter cake, chocolate chip cookies, and molasses cookies. Ebony said no matter what the item, however, as the chef in charge, she always makes sure that she makes her goods from scratch.
Citizens can see updates on the Ebby’s Homemade Honey Cornbread Facebook page.