By Tribune Staff
NASHVILLE, TN — Established 18 years after the end of the Civil War, Fairfield M. B. Church, located in Goodlettsville, TN celebrated its 139th anniversary in mid-November.
Now in its third location, since its establishment, the church is strong, vibrant and relevant to today’s social issues and still relatable to God’s Holy Word.
There were three services at the anniversary celebration, 8 a.m., 10:45 and 3 p.m. The 8 am service was preached by Pastor Ron Parham, pastor of Edmondson Chapel. The pastor of the hour for the 3 p.m service was Rev. Robert Bell of St. John Baptist Church and Fairfield’s own Pastor Howard Jones, Jr. preached at the 10:45 service.
During the 8 a.m. service, Pastor Parham talked about the legacy of the church and said, “What have you caught lately, since you have been saved? At 10:45, Pastor Jones talked about what it means to belong to a Church Family. Pastor Bell closed the celebration from the subject, “What does God have to say?”
Pastor Jones has officially served as Senior Pastor of Fairfield for 33 years and was affiliated before becoming Senior Pastor. The church continues to be a beacon of light throughout Nashville and Davidson County, and beyond, with community services, such as providing food for the elderly, and disenfranchised, and helping citizens get in the proper places to have their voting rights restored. Tutoring children and honoring veterans. Furthermore, through Sisterhood ministry, there is the annual Pink Sunday with a focus on the awareness of breast cancer and domestic violence research and prevention, which are just a few of the programs and activities of the church.

At each service, a member talked about the history of the church and gave reflections, Mother Ruth Betty, a long-time member who is a proud 98 years young, told a particular story about Pastor Jones. She spoke about the young man, who came from Emanuel Pilgrim, who was named interim pastor, Rev. Howard E. Jones, Jr. “God had already orchestrated this thing. God had already chosen him to b be the shepherd of the Fairfield M.B Church,” she said with great joy.
In 2008, Fairfield moved from 120 Fain Street, at the corner of Fairfield and Fain, just a few blocks from the current Music City Center, to 1008 South Dickerson Road. This was a significant transition for the church to move from a predominantly Black neighborhood to Goodlettsville. “It was a major decision for our church, yet we did it and have continued to grow and glow throughout Davidson County. We still own affordable apartments on Fain Avenue, the Deacon Ernest Jennings Apartments. They were affordable before affordable housing became cool,” said Pastor Jones. The church’s reach covers a significant part of the city, with its many faith-based enterprises and dedicated members. “We are faithfully serving God,” said the Pastor.
During the recent years of disconnection due to COVID-19, the church worked hard to stay connected through technology; Zoom, Facebook, social media, and other technological formats that became common, additionally, the traditional old fashioned phone calling still works. From that dreadful day in March 2020, when our world changed, Pastor Jones said, “We never closed. Yet at the church anniversary in 2022, it was joy to my heart to see members who I had not seen in years to be back in the house of the Lord. Some I had not seen since COVID-19, and others even before then, however, they came and we celebrated together. We were all thankful to still be among the living to praise and worship.”
According to church reports, since its establishment, Fairfield has been located in three distinct locations; Miles Pond Road, 120 Fain Street and 1004 South Dickerson Rd. Pastor Jones serves as the 11th pastor.
Fairfield has a legacy, beyond the bricks and mortar; the lineage of its people speaks volumes.
“When I think of Fairfield, it is clear, ‘I love you and there is nothing you can do about it’!”