NASHVILLE, TN — Benita S. Nichols has been appointment to US Health Advisors, headquartered in Nashville, TN.
According to Ms. Nichols, a self-proclaimed, Healthcare Evangelist, her mission in life is to heal, build and restore leaders. A Preacher Kid, ministry leader, and former-wife of gospel-jazz musician, Ben Tankard, she is committed to educating her clients and then pointing them toward the right coverage for their situation.
A licensed agent, Ms. Nichols is able to shop every healthcare plan offered in a client’s state. So, what she does is help customize a plan that fits an individual’s needs, lifestyle, and budget for now and future needs. Ms. Nichols says, “I’ve seen up close and personal, pastors, other spiritual leaders business owners’ and entrepreneurs’ personal struggles in their health and finances. My new appointment with US Health Advisors has provided me the opportunity to strategically implement my plan to financially, spiritually and emotionally empower our community leaders and laity alike through prayer, teaching and by providing access to healthcare and financial services.”
Ms. Nichols work in Nashville’s for-profit and non-profit sectors, in the gospel music industry, at American Baptist College under the mentorship of former-president and civil rights leader, Dr. Bernard Lafayette, at Tennessee State University and in Nashville Public School System and for Insurance providers has prepared her for the job ahead. Armed with company training, a degree in Marketing from Florida State University, a Master’s in Communications from the University of West Florida and diploma from Watkins College of Film, I have the heart, relationships, life experiences and training to reach and advise fellow citizens.
When asked about healthcare options, Ms. Nichols notes that there are some new plans available that may qualify individuals for even better coverage and lower premiums. “I am here to guide clients in Tennessee through the insurance process,” states Ms. Nichols.
For more information or to have Ms. Nichols speak at your business, church or non-profit organization visit her website at or call her office at “615-761-9872.”