NASHVILLE, TN — The Meharry Center for the Study of Social Determinants of Health launched a community survey and listening tour to gauge public opinion about tobacco and nicotine-related products. The community outreach effort is the inaugural initiative at the Center and will inform its work surrounding tobacco and nicotine products and issues in the coming years.
Meharry Medical College, the nation’s largest private, independent historically black academic health science center, founded the Center for the Study of the Social Determinants of Health in June to conduct research into social issues that impact public health, including smoking, nutrition and poverty. The initial work of the Center is funded by an independent research grant from JUUL Labs, Inc. and will focus on the impact of tobacco and nicotine on public health, especially among minority and underserved communities.
“The mission at Meharry is to serve the underserved, so it is critical that we first understand their priorities regarding tobacco and nicotine before initiating any research,” said Dr. James E. K. Hildreth, president and CEO of Meharry Medical College. “This initial listening tour and survey will be essential to the success of the Center as we seek to improve public health and policy surrounding tobacco and nicotine use. By first hearing the concerns of our community, we can ensure that our work is focused on the issues that matter most to them and shape our research and outreach accordingly.”
The survey and listening tour will take place through the summer of 2019 and is aimed at better understanding how the public is impacted by tobacco, nicotine and nicotine-related products. The survey includes questions about respondents’ previous and current tobacco use, cessation efforts and health-related concerns. The survey will be distributed to a wide range of community groups, including Metro Nashville parents, elected officials, health care providers, and church leaders.
All community members are invited to participate. To access the survey or indicate your interest in participating in a focus group, click here or visit
For more information about the initiative contact
Meharry Medical College founded in 1876, is the nation’s largest private, independent historically black academic health science center dedicated solely to educating minority and other health professionals. True to its heritage, it is a United Methodist Church related institution. The College is particularly well known for its uniquely nurturing, highly effective educational programs; emerging preeminence in health disparities research; culturally sensitive, evidence-based health services and significant contribution to the diversity of the nation’s health professions workforce. Diverse Issues in Higher Education’s ranking of institutions annually lists Meharry as a leading national educator of African Americans with M.D. and D.D.S. degrees and Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical sciences.
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