Author: Niara Savage

By Niara Savage Amy Frogge, Jill Speering and Fran Bush should be removed from the Metro Nashville Board of Public Education. In mean-spirited coordinated efforts that Mayor David Briley suggested ran afoul of open-meetings law, these three school board members conspired to sow chaos in Metro Nashville Public Schools. During twice-monthly board meetings, they’ve paralyzed the nine-member board by hurling unfounded allegations against MNPS administrators — intentionally impeding the board’s ability to conduct even basic business, and serving their own bitter agenda at the expense of the thousands of children in the MNPS  Off the board floor, they’ve terrorized MNPS…

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By Niara Savage Special to the Tribune from The Voice NASHVILLE, TN — Over two years ago, in a unanimous decision by the Metro school board, Dr. Shawn Joseph became the first African-American to lead Nashville’s 86,000 student school district. The face of the new director of school’s would finally match that of the increasingly black and brown student body. It’s essential for young children of color to see people who look like them holding positions of stature and power. Dr. Joseph provides the crucial minority representation of the next generation craves. Joseph’s significant experience in education, as well his ability to…

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