By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Two months after a huge parade for the unveiling of the statue commemorating the vote by Harry Burns sealing the women’s rights to vote, on the 98th anniversary, the statue base was revealed during the annual History Fair. The base has engravings of the letter from Feb Burns to her son encouraging him to do the right thing and the history and the donors. The next unveiling will be of the community donors in the form of bricks leading to and surrounding the statue.
Author: Vivian Underwood Shipe
KNOXVILLE, TN — Not even a thunderstorm could deter the citizens of Knoxville from attending the opening ceremonies of the 4th annual August 8th Jubilee. Held in the historic Tennessee Theater, hundreds walked the red carpet, dined on heavy hors d’oeuvres, and spent the evening being entertained by beautiful music and dance before a private showing of the movie Black, White & Us: a Loki Mullholand not due for release until 2020. The Celebration continued over the weekend with activities on the grounds of Knoxville College celebrating the slave ancestors buried there and culminated with an all day festival at…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — On an early over cast Saturday morning with the sun breaking thru the clouds The Beck Cultural Center continued it’s August 8th Celebration of when the slaves were freed by Governor Andrew Johnson with a libation ceremony held in the Freedmens Mission Historical Cemetery next to Knoxville College where the bodies of former slaves and their descendants lie in rest. “We Choose to Remember” were the opening words of Minister Ronni Chandler who led the ceremony that was complete with prayers, a negro spiritual song by Dr. Olga Welch, history of the occasion by…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE TN — There are no grocery stores within the boundaries of the inner city of East Knoxville. Residents looking for fresh veggies and fruits must travel over to the highway, over across the interstate, or over to the outskirts of the university. This is called a food desert. Defined as an urban areas where it is difficult to buy quality or fresh foods.This food desert has existed for years and one inner city pastor has a vision to change the situation. Pastor Chris Battle with Tabernacle Baptist Church has created a community garden. Pastor Battle,…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE TN — In a unanimous 9-0 decision, before a packed house of church members, Knoxville city council voted to rename the street in front of the west location of Eternal Life Harvest Center in the name of their late Pastor, The Honorable Reverend Doctor James H Davis. Mrs. Jackie Davis stood before the council along with their children and thanked the council for their vote to honor her late husband. Dr. Davis grew up in the area and after being saved; spent the next 25 years, working to save the youth from the streets, working to…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — In the United States it is estimated that one in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. One of the best methods of early diagnosis has been mammography. However, many women, especially in the African American community have forgone this procedure due to many reasons: among them are the lack of health insurance, low income, lack of a primary provider, and fear of diagnosis. While basic mammography has been effective, in 2011 the USFDA approved a new breast imaging technology: 3D Mammography. Thus procedure gives a more detailed image…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — The seat held by 2nd US congressional district Congressman Jimmy Duncan Jr for the last thirty years is now up for grabs. As he prepares to retire and spend time with his family ; a plethora of candidates has surfaced to compete for the position. East Knoxville Community Meeting goup, (EKCM) which under the direction of Michael Covington, meets monthly to bring vital first hand information and resources to the East Knoxville Community; set up a forum for all ten of the candidates. Eight of the ten invited came for turned out to be…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — Hundreds of concerned citizens gathered on the lawn of the City County building to show solidarity and oppose the separation of children from their parents at the borders of the United States. The Families Belong Together rally was sponsored by Allies of Knox Immigrant Neighbors (AKIN), Centro Hispano, Women’s March Coalition, and Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition. Those rallying heard riveting stories of the daily experiences of those living under fear of deportation and speeches of support. Among those speaking were Claudia Caballero, Executive Director of Centro Hispano and Country Commissioner Evelyn Gill…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN —Beck Cultutal Center held a day long Juneteenth celebration in memory of the day the slaves were freed in America – one of America’s little recognized or celebrated Black History facts. Under the direction of Director Reverend Renee Kessler, at the Beck, the day IS celebrated in Knoxville. After a day of activities, the evening closed with an historic panel of Knoxvilles Black Leadership, the first such representation on these levels ever held in the city of Knoxville. The leadership panel : representing state legislation, city council, county commission, and the school board, took time to…
By Vivian Shipe KNOXVILLE, TN — As the dust settles down from the historic community uproar over the school boards initial decision to defund Project Grad, restoration and recognition of the 18-year old program continues to grow. Mayor Tim Butchett offered funding in his budget to cover the million dollars cut by the board. The Knox County commission will vote on his offer this week. The deal will cover the coming school year, effective July 1st. As part of the deal, the school board on June 13th, voted to put back in their budget, 538k to for the magnet and…