Author: Walter Smith, Publisher, Philadelphia Observer

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly appeared before a group of reporters to defend Trump’s insensitive statement to the widow of fallen soldier La David Johnson. Myeshia Johnson accompanied by members of her family and Congresswoman Frederica Wilson were waiting to receive the body of her husband who had been killed in the line of duty in Niger Africa when she received a call from President Donald Trump. In the course of the president’s condolences he allegedly said “He knew what he signed up for … but when it happens, it hurts anyway,” This remark apparently upset Mrs. Johnson…

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By Walter Smith, Publisher, Philadelphia Observer Donald Trump, unfortunately, the President of the United States is destroying America, its world image and its leadership standings. In addition to destroying the image of America, he is also destroying the social fabric of its citizens. He thrives on destruction and divisiveness. His vision of making America Great Again is returning to the days when every “white” man was considered superior to and had absolute control over every person of color.   It started in 2011 when he went all out to discredit Barack Obama by questioning his citizenship and his academic acumen.…

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