The long-awaited sequel to the award-winning novel The Anniversary by JJ Winston follows Grandville as he continues to grapple with his mental health after being released from prison. The Cleveland native and magistrate turned novelist’s latest book, The Commemoration, is available on Amazon and at other retail stores.
In The Anniversary, Grandville and Juliette Stubbs attempt to come to terms with several losses that precipitate Grandville’s mental health diagnosis. Now, in JJ Winston’s newest book, The Commemoration, Grandville must face what goes wrong when he struggles with life after incarceration. His family’s life is met with tragedy, family secrets, and tremendous loss. Grandville’s faith in God is tested as he seeks understanding while confronting his troubled past.
Winston grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, where she credits her love for writing to both of her parents and her upbringing. Since the successful debut of The Anniversary, Winston has set a name for herself in literary circles for courageously using her platform to spread awareness on sensitive topics dear to her.
“My stories are meant to give voice to individuals and their families who live daily with past trauma, loss, and the stigma attached to being diagnosed with a behavioral health disorder. Like the character [of] Grandville, many Americans are ambivalent about getting mental health treatment for fear of being stigmatized or stereotyped,” said Winston.
Winston spent most of her formative years and adult life studying social work, which ultimately led to her pursuing a career in law. “I love balancing the two. Through my years of working in social work and law, I am able to provide readers with in-depth industry knowledge of the challenges that people often experience in coping with societal issues that plague communities of color.”
Review for The Commemoration: “After reading this novel by JJ Winston, all I could say was WOW! […] This book kept me intrigued and not wanting to put it down. […] She brings awareness and education to mental illness, sex-trafficking, addiction, and sickle cell in a brilliantly written storyline. I can’t wait for the next novel to come out. Excellent book!”
To learn more about The Commemoration, visit