NASHVILLE, TN — Registrations are being accepted for the 2019 Business Marketplace, presented by the TriState Minority Supplier Development Council (TSMSDC). The event will be held October 7-8, 2019 at the Nashville Renaissance Hotel. The conference and exhibits will also include workshops. One-on-One Business Interviews, by appointment only, and will be available for registered certified minority vendors and corporate purchasers.
With the theme, “No limits, Just opportunities,” the purpose of the conference is to increase awareness of domestic and global issues which impact economic development among corporations and minority businesses; and designed to discover valuable techniques to shape, enhance, and chart plans for continued success in the future.
Cheri Henderson, president and CEO of the TriState Minority Supplier Development Council says, “If you are involved in supplier diversity, strategic sourcing, and corporate marketing, this conference is for you! Experts in business financing, business forecasting, and strategy will share lessons learned. It’s a great opportunity for networking and making connections that count among buyers and minority suppliers.”
The conference will feature an exhibit hall of companies representing a broad array of products and services.
In conjunction with the conference, John W. Rogers, Jr., Chairman, Co-CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Ariel Investments, Chicago, IL will address attendees at the noon-day Business Marketplace Luncheon on, Tuesday, October 8. Ariel was founded by John W. Rogers, Jr. in 1983. Mellody Hobson, Co-CEO, has been president of the company since May 2000. The company employs 88 people, with the employees and the board owning 95% of the company. It has over $10 billion under management.
Space at the conference exhibit is also available on a first come, first served basis. For reistration information, go to: