Nashville, Tenn. – Publisher and CEO Tunisia Scott announces the release of the 27th Edition of her business directory the Tennessee Minority Pages (TMP). This year’s issue focuses on the unstoppable rise of the entrepreneurial spirit of minority populations. TMP continues to recognize the diverse communities throughout the region with a goal of building bridges into the invaluable services of minority businesses.

Opening this edition is a profile of Dr. Min Wang, director of Wang Vision 3D Cataract and LASIK Center and world-renowned laser eye surgeon. Dr. Wang is also the co-founder of the Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group, an organization that provides support to diverse cultural and ethnic companies. “Dr. Wang is a perfect example of what represents the businesses featured in the Tennessee Minority Pages,” said Scott.
The twenty-seventh edition offers various articles about organizations, businesses, and people of importance throughout the state of Tennessee. “We truly believe that we are more than a directory, better than a magazine,” explained Scott. “The Tennessee Minority Pages offers both consumers and business owners not only access to products and services they need, but also content unique to our publication.”
TMP articles of interest include:
• An Urban League of Middle Tennessee Spotlight on 50 years of community development
• A visit to Plaza Mariachi, Nashville’s new hotspot
• Profiles of various Tennessee industry leaders
• A spotlight on Beauty Queen Lashan Mathews Dixon.
• And much more!
To download a free copy of the 27th Edition of the Tennessee Minority Pages visit To pick up a copy a list of distribution locations can be found at